Truth Bomb by OVD: Ukraine update

Hey Everyone, I have not been posting a lot as I've been dealing with health and financial issues. This should bring you up to date on the Russo/Ukraine war. I will post about the up coming US election soon. Thanks for your patience and support. You all are literally keeping me alive. Thank you. The situation in the Russo/Ukraine war is really good for Ukraine and horrible for the Russians. If you remember your WWII history, when Hitler changed his tactics in the Battle for The UK from attacking air fields and bases with his air power to London and other cities, he lost all hope of taking the UK and the war turned to the allies favor. The same thing is happening in Ukraine. the Russians have shifted to bombing civilians and civilian infrastructure. A fail move. All this will accomplish is getting more Ukrainians to join the military to fight back. Proven fact, bombing people makes them hate you. The Ukrainians are poised to take Kherson in the next few weeks if not d...