Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm going through some mental health issues. The VA told me I was going to die again(4 months ago so they were wrong again) and I'm getting a new doctor that doesn't know me or my case at all. The VA does seem to be taking in new claims so I will try that again soon. But mentally I'm not doing well. I'm feeling very alone in the world these days. My older friends are dropping like flies and the Burning Man community thinks I'm already dead. I've reached out to a few folks but they don't seem interested in anything more than a 5 minute hi/bye conversation. I feel like I'm not needed or even wanted around anymore. I'm just demoralized. Even in my dreams it's that way. I don't know what to do. Normally I'd go out and meet some new friends but I just can't anymore. Going out is painful and never worth it. Not to mention I have no funds for it.

   Food insecurity has been really bad on me. Prices of food here have finally begun to stabilize but my income is still to low. My GoFundMe has been a dismal failure. I did get a little and it helped but I still ran out of food and have had to eat crap to sustain myself. I constantly worry about it. It's also demoralizing. So I'm sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of despair. 

Here's my GoFundMe link again

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis



  1. I'm so sorry things are going so bad for you. I know how hard life gets when you're not able to get out much and how constant pain wears a person down. I know how lucky I am to have my wife and son. I don't get out much so they're the only people I see most days. Isolation is an enemy when you are not able to get around very well and the added stresses you have in your life can't help any. I really hope the VA will actually do its job and you can get some relief from them. I realize we are talking about a government agency, which can be equal to hitting your head against
    a wall, but it is possible they will actually come through for you. If there was any way you could get back on social media, even with the mess it frequently is, I think it would help to have more contact with other people. "Hang in there" is far from adequate but I'm not sure what else expresses what I want to say. Take care.

    1. Thanks, the stress, pain and food insecurity gets overwhelming. the loneliness just makes it way worse.

  2. Hey, I'm a vet in SoCal. There are benefits you probably qualify for. CalFresh for food & Covered California so you can see a civilian doc. I found civilian mental health services are better than the VA and I don't have to drive 80 miles to get to the VA.

    Let me know if you need help applying for either. Many California municipalities also have section 8 funds just for vets too.

    1. Thanks for the info. section 8 up here has a backlog(including veterans) and is in horrible neighborhoods.


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