Truth Bomb by OVD : Personal update

 Hey everyone,

  If anyone is even still reading this...My feeling of isolation is getting bad. Really bad. Being cut off from Facebook was bad enough. I haven't heard from a lot of friends from real life for more than a year now. Twitter helped and I made some new friends and was able to connect to a bunch of fellow Veterans. That's gone now too. So now I kind of drift from day to day with little to no contact with the outside world. It's demoralizing to say the least. I'm down right depressed and don't see any future for myself anymore. I've always been a very social person and now I have no way to reach anyone but this and the numbers of people that even read this anymore has dwindled to a couple. Soon I'll probably stop bothering with this either. 

  My pain levels are through the roof. I got only an hour of sleep last night(and why I'm typing this at 5 am. Pain meds and pot cookies combined didn't help. My left leg is now starting to get as bad as my right leg. Soon I won't be able to walk anymore And now I'm about out of both cannabis and pain pills with little to no chance of getting anymore as my best friend and main supplier is in the hospital dying of cancer. He will probably never leave. I wanted to go see him even though it would have been painful as hell...but the group that went didn't have room for me. So I'll probably never see Sam again. Which makes me angry and sad. 

  On top of all that I'm getting my yearly itch...that mammal call and need for connection with the other sex. It's been years since I've been with anyone. Hell I forgot what a woman's touch even feels like. And I get it. Who would want to connect to a disabled person with little to no money, resting Viking face and cut off from social media. Making me feel more isolated, alone and depressed. I don't see anything changing in this regard until I'm dead. 

  My GoFundMe pulled in enough I have food and will get through next month. It's about the only thing I have to be thankful for  but doing that makes me feel like a drain on society and now that I'm completely cut off from social media I know that I won't be able to raise funds in the near future which means starving and possibly homelessness are soon to follow. 

   Add that the planet will probably be dead in the next 9 years from Climate Change and the Covid Delta variant will be killing hundreds of thousands of Americans soon... I'm losing all hope and drive. I'm not suicidal, that's just not my way but my will to live is going fast and again I don't see anything changing that. And with GWS I probably won't last long. Every night before I go to bed I hope I won't walk up. 

  I hope you all are doing much better than I am.

-Otto Von Danger



  1. Damn Otto, I wish there was something I could do for you, I'm so sorry about your friend Sam, I get it, as I've lost many lifelong friends, very few of us are left. Have you checked out getting a vpn? I think you can get one free, that way twitter can't track your computer and you can get back on with it. Lol, hey you're a good looking dude I'm sure you could find someone to snuggle with πŸ˜‰ hang in there Otto shits gotta get better ❤

    1. Shit it's so hot here in upstate ny I may show up in California, fn 90's from here on out with high humidity and dew point, this weather will kill me, not enough pain pills for this shit, now google vpn

    2. Ok so I found a bunch of free vpns the best one seems to be Protonvpn or there's a ton more on google just download it to your computer then Twitter can't track it and you can get back on just maybe swap up the name, it doesn't look like they've flagged the new one you already set up anyway..feel better, btw all these replies are from the same dumb, I was hitting reply instead of comment Maria

    3. Thanks. I will probably try it this week. but remember I wasn't banned for saying something wrong. It's me they are trying to censor so once the discover it's me...they'll block that too.

    4. But you can at least get on there for the social factor and promote your blog, which had been great, it's a win win, like I said yesterday the highest rated one is Protonvpn but there's a bunch so please download one and get your ass back on the tweeter, you're missed...Maria

    5. Has been great, not had, you know I can't type right when I'm stoned πŸ€ͺ

    6. I'm reading some bad things about these "Free" VPN's

  2. Hey Otto, me again. How about doing a segment on your blog about veterans who are feeling isolated, etc.., and how people can help? Not only isolation but all that being a veteran entails once you return home and are disabled, like getting benefits and how to fight the government to get them, these are all things you've been through so I'm sure you'd do a great job in writing about it

    1. Yeah I do post about how to deal with the VA but it's different for every Veteran. depends on which VA you are using and what your health issues are.

  3. Damn, dude. Sounds like life's being a real bitch to you at the moment. I wish there was something I could do to help. How are things going with getting your benefits sorted out? I saw your gogfundme but didn't keep up with how it was doing after donating. Are you doing alright there? I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. That really has to add to your burdens. Why can't you get back on Twitter? Can't you start another account? I believe Bubba mentioned using a VPN to get a different account. That is the same advice my son mentioned, but I don't know how to go about doing that. I'll ask him if it will help.
    This is SNAFU or DeLaHay btw. aka Bob

    1. I will try the VPN thingy but they will ban that account to as it's not so much what I said one's me they want to censor. Yes my life is very hard and has gotten harder lately. I got enough on the GoFundMe to eat this week and will help a lot next month as I run on a tight budget even when I'm doing fine. Thanks for that VPN info Bob. Semper Fi.

  4. I am sorry for your struggles and trouble...πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»❤️πŸ™πŸ»

  5. Otto, I found you! Hi it's me Lea. Dude we all came home with scars and we all have worries. We need you to help us get these ideas to Congress to effect change. I love you as a brother. My USMC brother. We're going to do good things.

    1. I've been trying for decades...both parties are too corrupt

  6. I just checked your twitter account. Seems like you've been reinstated. Your followers got wiped, but your account is still there.


    Jack Cleveland

  7. They say it's always darkest before the dawn, Otto ... I'm hoping there is some light at the end of this tunnel for you. Very sad you didn't get to see your friend Sam ... that is the worst. I'm gonna drop a bit more into the gofundme and be on the lookout for a delivery. I think you'll appreciate it.

    I think you got nothing to lose by trying to get back into twitter ... if they blow you up (again), it's not a loss ... the VPN is a good way to go there (as mentioned).

    El Haz, bro ... thinking about ya,


  8. Just wanted to check in and say hey. Miss you on Twitter. Wishing you all the best, and hopefully some break with the pain relief

  9. See we all miss you on the Twitter, PLEASE try the VPN Maria


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