Truth Bomb By OVD : Ukraine (Proxy) War updaye

 Hey Everyone,

  So the war in Ukraine has been bloody but not much has happened the last month in regards to land controlled by either side. The HIMARS are doing serious damage to Russian command and supplies and they only have 4 of them. The Russians said they took them out but that has been proven to be a lie. The only reason Ukraine isn't dominating and taking their land back is the west isn't supplying enough. It's obvious the west IS considering this a Proxy war. That means their goal is to bleed Russia by keeping the war going. This is why the Ukrainians are not getting enough support. I warned of this but now it's clear that it is the case now. 

  There is talk of giving them 30 HIMARS and F-15's, F-16's, F-18's(Hornets are used by the USMC like the A-10's) and A-10's. But it's just talk and these will require training. Maybe next year is what I'm hearing. Thousands of Ukrainians will die because of these delay's. Also if the Republicans(American Taliban) take over...they will side with Russia. They have said as much publicly. So there should be a race to supply them massively before the 2022 midterms...and no one is pushing that save me. 

  As for the grain shipment agreement Russia has already bombed the port that would be they CAN NOT be trusted. Any grain ships should have a full NATO convoy escort with both ships and aircraft. If nothing is done...Millions will die in under nourished nations and Migrations will get worse. 

  Expect a light Ukrainian counter offensive in the fall in the south but otherwise the lines will remain similar until next spring. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. As usual: well considered, fact based and on point. Well done brother.

  2. Big shipments of weapons would make far more sense than a slow trickle delivered haphazardly. Can't mount a true offensive or counter without sufficient ordnance. What happened to the idea to send planes from Poland, since they have the same ones as Ukraine and they'd have the training they need, then replacing Poland's planes with different ones they have time to train with?

    1. Of course, if the idea is to bleed Russia I guess the powers that be would want to draw out the situation. It certainly isn't the first time we've used that strategy.

    2. I've just been reading about the butterfly mines that the Russians are deploying.
      "Their size coupled with being plastic and looking like a toy bird or butterfly draws kids to them. Unlike many anti-personnel mines, these are so sensitive even a child who does not weigh as much or have the strength of an adult can set them off easily.

    3. Yeah...if they sent enough the war would end and that's not the goal of a Proxy war. They longer they keep it going the more man power and treasure Russia looses.


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