Truth Bomb By OVD: Military analysis and how to spot propaganda

Hey Everyone, As promised I'm writing about how to do effective analysis including military. I'm sure you've all heard knowledge is power and it is, but controlling it is power too. Company's like FOX or MSNBC are trying to control the narrative and spin things to fit that narrative. Look at the Classified documents scandal for instance...Fox says Trump was mistreated and did no wrong, Biden should be impeached and Pence is just a nice guy, leave him alone. MSNBC say Trump stole and hid documents intentionally, Biden just misplaced them and Pence is a good cover excuse for Biden. The Truth is our highest Elected officials are ALL mishandling our nations secrets and one intentionally. They need to create chains of custody and keep better track of these records in the first place so none of this happens again. But neither Network is saying that. Because they are pushing a narrative and spinning the story's to fit it. In other words controlling Information. Propagand...