Truth Bomb by OVD: Inflation and how to end it simply

 Hey Everyone,

  Sorry I haven't been posting much. As you probably know it's been raining cats and dogs for 19 days straight here in California. It intensifies my pain from GWS and old injuries immensely. Also I've been getting the last of my gaming in and saying good buy to my gamer friends as I have given up on getting a PS5 and so my obsolete PS4 will be going offline soon. I will make an effort to get some posts out more often.

  So what is inflation? It's when currency deflates in value causing prices to rise. The more money that is hoarded and kept out of circulation, the more it devalues. It can be manipulated by a host things from price gauging to holding commodities until the price inflates(ie decreasing the buying power of currency...inflation). 

 How does it effect the working class? Generally speaking our wages don't go up. So we are the most effected. When a loaf of bread costs $50 a rich person doesn't notice. A working class does. Even white collar. This applies to stocks, property, pensions. Now you can't afford your property taxes as your $179k house is now worth $2.3 Million. It sounds great but it drives families from their homes. Whether the sell or lose it to property taxes and are foreclosed. They are gone. Their own neighborhood became to rich for them to live in. That's inflation on the working class. The rich swoop in and by up the foreclosures and wait for the property value to inflate again and sell it. It's all a scam.

That's right. Inflation is a scam the wealthy use to scam our property, money and hard work. 

So how do we fix it? Simply. One simple law. It could be enacted within a week.

The government monitors Inflation on a county level. If Inflation raises prices 8% All wages, pensions, disability or retirement compensation also raise 8% and any Taxes are reduced 8% . Any percent this would go into effect. Monthly. It would effectively counter Inflation. Nullifying it. The wealthy will not be able to exploit us. Once we did it and it worked. Every sane nation would adopt it and we'd be know as the country the ended the exploitation of the working people of the world. Bring freedom to the world. Peacefully. And end that cycle that's been going on for thousands of years. 

Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Those fothermuckets are going to try to tank the economy and ROYALLY fuck we the people. THEY are all wealthy just as you alluded to and won't be affected in the same way that we will be. I am glad that my living expenses are going to be reduced significantly when I move back to Michigan.

    1. Exactly and best wishes on your move. And thanks a million for the PS5 brother.

  2. Yeah, it's interesting that inflation is a big problem but major companies are still making record profits. Wages stagnate while the price of everything goes up.

    1. Same thing that caused the great depression...greed


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