Truth Bomb By OVD: Ukraine war update

Hey Everyone, So the front lines haven't moved much but the fighting is fierce along the whole line. It's still winter but spring is around the corner so both sides are gearing up for spring offenses. The newly promised Tanks from the west still haven't arrived and there isn't enough of them to make a difference. The Russians are losing thousands of Troops but their real purpose will be seen soon enough. You have to understand Russian war doctrine to see what the real Russian plan is. So lets talk about that. The Russians throughout history have used the same playbook. They invade or instigate a war thinking they will win fast. Then they lose badly as their forces are poorly trained and corruption ensures they are poorly equipped. They respond just like they are now by conscripting massive amounts of men and plugging the holes and holding the line. The second unsaid part of that is these conscripts are also being used to keep pressure on their enemy and use up their ...