Truth Bomb By OVD: Ukraine war update

 Hey Everyone,

  So the front lines haven't moved much but the fighting is fierce along the whole line. It's still winter but spring is around the corner so both sides are gearing up for spring offenses. The newly promised Tanks from the west still haven't arrived and there isn't enough of them to make a difference. The Russians are losing thousands of Troops but their real purpose will be seen soon enough. You have to understand Russian war doctrine to see what the real Russian plan is. So lets talk about that. The Russians throughout history have used the same playbook. They invade or instigate a war thinking they will win fast. Then they lose badly as their forces are poorly trained and corruption ensures they are poorly equipped. They respond just like they are now by conscripting massive amounts of men and plugging the holes and holding the line. The second unsaid part of that is these conscripts are also being used to keep pressure on their enemy and use up their enemies resources like ammo, as us Marines call bullet catchers. Meanwhile they build up a huge force secretly and when it's ready they steamroll their opponent. It works very well for them as they don't value life, even their own people. They are currently at the second stage and it's working. The Ukrainians are running low on ammo and are losing ground. This is especially dangerous for Ukraine as 90%+ of the Ukraine Military still uses Soviet era weapons and ammo. The west has given the Ukrainians all they have so all those weapon systems are about to be worthless as the Russian third phase prepares. Because of Russia's huge losses the west feels safe even as the Ukrainians warn them. 

  The issue is the west isn't fully supporting Ukraine and isn't interested in Ukraine winning. The west has used this war to do the following :

1) Bleed Russia as much as they can.

2) Test weapons systems, example the switch blade drones they bragged about giving and now you don't hear about them at all, because they failed epically. Also HIMARs which we only gave them 20 of but they worked well so now all the western powers are buying them up which leads us to #3

3) War profiteering. The west is selling and buying arms at the cold war rate now. Making the arms manufacturers huge piles of money. If the war was to end this would dry up and the west knows that.

  So the west has sent a pitifully small amount of western Tanks(less than 100, which still haven't arrived) that will be a speed bump compared to what the Russian uses on phase 3(They have 5-10k T-64's) at 5k that makes the odds 50 to 1 in tanks. So even outdated T-64's will steam roll the Ukrainians. The only thing that could counter that is sending massive amounts of air power...which the west is refusing to do at this point. If the west continues to not supply needed western gear(we should be westernizing the whole Ukrainian military just so we can supply them) in large amounts, Ukraine will not exist next year and Poland will get hit by that huge force. Reality is we should have started westernizing the entire Ukrainian military day 1 so that they could be easily resupplied by the west. The west really doesn't have any more Soviet weapons or ammo left. The biggest excuse the west uses is that it will take a long time to train the Ukrainians to use this gear. Which is a straight up lie. The Ukrainians are combat veterans. The use a plethora of weird vehicles and weapons so they are already used to using unfamiliar stuff and fixing it. The next excuse is setting up supply lines for this western gear, another lie.  The supply chains for western weapons is already in place, another lie they use to say it will take do you think Poland gets German and South Korean Tanks? Poland is right next to Ukraine. Reality is a MIG 29 pilot could learn an F-16 in about a week tops and the supply route would only have to extend 100 miles. Same for a T-72 crew...they can learn a Leopard II in a week and the supply lines would need to be extend 300-500 miles tops. These systems aren't that different, they are just better. 

  What can you do? Simply call them out on their bullshit. Leave comments on YouTube, Social Media and News channels. Pressure your Government to send large amounts of western Tanks and planes now before it's too late. Start those cross training programs NOW. F-16's for example, are sold to many nations right now that aren't even actual allies. We have hundreds we could send right away. The F-18 was dropped by the USMC so there's 300+ aircraft right there we could give away. There are thousands of M1 Abrams sitting in Nevada collecting dust...send them. Many European nations have Leopard II's, send them. We should be trying to knock Russia out of Ukraine and then rebuild Ukraine and westernize everything so Russia never thinks of invading again. Everyday we delay more Ukrainian civilians die. Their blood is also on our hands. 

Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis  


  1. This is sad, but makes perfect sense. The war machine in the West needs to experiment and make money. Ukraine is but a good excuse to do both.

  2. Spot on as usual. Our Military Industrial Complex would have no problem providing the materials required, they just need to know who is going to pay for it.

  3. It's disgusting the way we are trickling weapons to Ukraine when they need everything and lots of it. And we have idiots in this country who wonder why we are supporting them in the first place. I find that infuriating. Anyone who studies history or grew up during the Cold War should understand what Putin is doing and why we need to stop him. Cold bloodedly using Ukraine as a test bed and advertizement for our weapons and strategy is despicable. If we want them to test our weapons, let's let them test all of them.

  4. Ukraine is now about to lose Bakhmut and is running dangerously low on Ammo...just as I've been warning. They received a whole 4 Leopard II's since I've made this post.

  5. I can't understand why we can't make sure they have the ammo they need.


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