MAGA(Nazi) Terrorists and what can be done

 Hey Everyone,

   So I'm sure you have heard that MAGA Nazi terrorists are taking out parts of the power grid in their war against Democracy and the Constitution. North Carolina and Washington State were both hit cutting power to thousands of Americans during this winter storm front. Some Americans have died from exposure or health related instances from these terrorist attacks.

  So what can we do? One contact your Representatives and Senators , let them know these terrorists MUST be dealt with. The FBI and other Federal Law Enforcement has to start taking these groups seriously. Not just putting them on a list. These Terrorists are all over the internet, threatening violence daily. They need to start really monitoring them and raiding their operations. Like they did to the hippies in the 60's and 70's. This "hands off " because they are white people needs to stop NOW. These are Nazi Terrorists and their actions are killing and hurting Americans. They need to come down on them hard and make a show of it to deter other would be Nazi Terrorists. If they don't not only will this become more frequent, they will get bolder and more destructive. Also they need to monitor the Russians better as I'm sure they are pushing this terrorism. 

  What can you do as an individual? First have a plan for power outages. Supplies to get you through or a way to bug out. If you or someone you know relies on a machine for life, have a back up generator. These MAGA Nazis are trying to kill you. Don't let them be successful. Secondly be alert. Know where the local power stations are and report any suspicious activity(white guys with guns in pickups most likely, in MAGA, Confederate or Nazi gear). Report threats online to you or other Americans. Not just to the social media company, but the FBI as well. Don't engage, observe and report. If you live really close to a power station get a camera on it. You might catch some terrorists. Keep nagging those reps and Senators about going after these terrorists. I hope this helps.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Not sure that our "leaders" are not in on this. At least the christofascist Republicans.

    1. Yeah, those aiding and abetting, funding and spreading their message need to be monitored and arrested too. Especially elected officials.


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