Truth Bomb by OVD : Censorship and Reality

Hey everyone,
Otto Von Danger here. So I decided to write a Blog as both Facebook and Twitter have banned me permanently for speaking the truth to power. I was censored from Fascistbook for saying "Nazis are bad" in a post about WWII. And Twitter for calling out Republicans for their Treasonous rhetoric.
So a few things you should know about me...I'm not in any political party in America. This Blog will only have the truth and my opinions based on the truth. I'm originally from Norway so I know that good government is possible and polices like Universal Healthcare work. Also I served in the Marines and know how the world really works. In Norway I'd be considered a centrist which means to most American I'd be considered "Left wing". There is no left wing in America...hell there isn't even a center. Both Political parties are right wing. The republicans are full on Nazi Fascist and the Democrats are Corporate Fascists. Both work exclusively for the 1% and their corporations and don't care about working Americans at all. The Republicans use Bigotry, Fear and Hate to motivate their voters and the Democrats use platitudes and Identity politics.
I'm also an Artist. Wood sculpture is my favorite medium. Some of my art is just fun like FrogBat or the Hippie Raver Powered Lawn Chair. Some are political like "Burn Wall Street" in 2012 at Burning Man which was feature in the movie "Spark : A Burning Man story" and many media articles and reports.
I do not tolerate any form of bigotry. It's all taught bullshit that needs to be unlearned and spoken out against.
So for this blog I will pick a subject, give the facts and perspectives(there is always more than one) and suggest actions, policies and fixes to the issue. I make no money of this blog it is purely to spread the truth and so I can connect to my fellow human beings.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy my blog.
-Otto Von Danger


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