Truth Bomb by OVD : Juneteenth, platitudes, identity politics and policy

Happy Juneteenth everyone,

  This holiday represents the last slaves in Texas finally finding out they were freed from slavery. A worthy holiday. It will bring attention to the horrors of slavery while white supremist's  try and block teaching about it in schools. This is a good thing. But it's not near enough. it's mostly a platitude to the Black community. 

  What are platitudes and Identity politics? How are the used? What are the benefits and failures?

Platitudes are gestures aimed at showing a group of people you noticed or care about their situation. They don't change things much in real life. they aren't policy. Examples : naming schools, creating holidays, wearing a black lives matter shirt.

Identity politics are when you use a person(s) to fill a roll to show you notice and care about a group of people. Again this isn't policy and doesn't change much in real life. Example naming a female of color as your VP even though her policies are against the same groups and she couldn't even win her own state in the primary(zero delegates). I'm not picking on the VP...there are many others. she's just an easy example. 

  Platitudes and Identity politics are used to make a group of marginalized people think you are on their side and have their interests in mind. Used to gain votes mostly. This is a way to get those votes without enacting policy that actually helps these folks. 

  The Democrats are a great example of this. They use people to check boxes and show "they care" "they are changing things" without actually doing anything. Nothing changes...just the faces screwing us. It doesn't matter what sex, color, religion or preference a politician is if they still work for the 1% and fight against the changes we need. The only good that comes from it is that it may inspire others that normally wouldn't run for office to do so. That's it. 

  Policies and passing actual laws it what changes things. Lets take Medicare for all (Universal healthcare) for example. If passed it would save the nation trillions of dollars and save/prolong millions of lives. It would take a huge financial burden off of businesses. It would save people from shitty jobs as they can now leave without losing healthcare coverage. It would drastically save money on drugs and medical equipment as the nation would be buying in mass and have serious leverage. It would ensure all area's in the nation have proper personnel and  facilities(Rural America is seriously lacking). So why hasn't it been done yet...easy answer corruption. Insurance companies and big Pharma bribe politicians  through "campaign donations" to keep things as they are. 

  If they really cared about a marginalized group...lets take Black Americans as an example. they would pass policies that would help them. Like a national data base of violent or racist law enforcement to ensure they couldn't be rehired by other departments. The could give reparations. The could enact policies to close the wealth gap. The could make voting very easy and a protected right for all Americans. The could kill the Filibuster that was created to stop progress and sure up white supremacy.

  So please be aware of the differences and don't fall for these tricks. If they aren't pushing and delivering policies that help...they are just scamming your votes. 

Happy Juneteenth and Semper fi

-Otto Von Danger




  1. Hey Otto! Marc Araujo here. Do glad you started a blog. I just can't get into Twitter like I thought I could. Anyway, there's something I'd like to post but not sure how to, so, I'll just leave it here and you can use it as you see fit. I wrote it this morning:

    "Minimum wage? Let's forget about that for a quick minute. What we sorely need in this country is a maximum wage. Pretty ridiculous that a CEO can make 10,000 X his lowest paid worker - who does the actual work - for pushing paper. Screw that! Let's cap that at 10 X his lowest paid workers and you can bet that minimum wage is going to increase pretty damn quick. How about those atheletes? Some make more money in a single game than the rest of us make in a lifetime. Some special prima donas make more than the entire budget of the poorest teams. Does all this investment make the game more exciting? Hell no! Makes it less exciting and more predictable. Salaries should be capped across the board and no teams budget should be allowed to exceed the poorest team in that league. Furthermore, no player should be allowed to earn more than 10 X the salary of the lowest paid player on that team. EVER! Make sports interesting again! My two cents!"

    1. Agreed another example of policy that could do some real good.

    2. and you can share these on both Twitter and FascistBook

  2. Like I was saying about VP Harris...

  3. I see you, Otto. I wish you would gain an office in Government because of your compassion for ALL American citizenry. We need that badly.

    1. Thanks...every representative should be that way. We need to stop electing those that don't.

  4. Marc mentioned a maximum wage. I seem to remember hearing years ago that in Japan a lot of CEOs could only make a salary that was based on certain multiples of what the lowest paid worker made. Sounds good to me.

    1. Agreed...or once you make a certain amount you are barred from getting any more. You could live 10 life times of pleasure on $100 Million. This money hording is crazy and costs us quality of life and life it's self(Climate Change)


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