Truth Bomb by OVD : Climate Change and the end of life on our planet
Hey Everyone,
So the Pacific Northwest is experiencing record breaking temperatures in the 105-115 degrees(F) range. A town in Northern Russia above the arctic circle hit 118 degrees(F). Floods and storms are happening around the world. Moscow went from a 110 degree's to a mass flood in a day. And the Fires and Hurricanes are here too. There are no excuses left. Climate Change is here and it will get rapidly worse. A lot of Climate Change Scientists are saying we have about 9 years until all life on the planet is basically gone.
Even if we went full green over night we'd probably lose half of life on the planet. Yet we aren't doing squat. In fact carbon emissions are growing not shrinking. 2020's pandemic helped a little. but not enough to matter at all. This infrastructure bill is worthless as it has almost NO green energy. What's the point of new roads if we are all dead? I'm not trying to be an alarmist. I'm just stating the facts. The kids alive today or being born won't see 10 years of life and what they do experience will be horrifying.
What can we do? Well as individuals there isn't much we can do. recycling and the like is a joke trying to make us feel responsible. reality is only Nations and Corporations can do anything meaningful and they just don't care. So the only thing we can do is pressure them until society collapses(5-7 years tops). We won't be able to build space cities in time. Underground shelters will only last a few years. Oxygen will also go as there won't be any plants left to make it. The Oceans are also already dying. If we want any chance it will have to be massively changing out current system and going full green in record time.
So please keep pressure on all your representatives. State and Federal. From State representatives to the POTUS. And I mean real pressure. Hit the streets. Email them all daily. Go to their offices. Show them pictures of your kids that will all die soon from inaction. Play hardball. I know this is gloomy and depressing but that doesn't make it any less real. We must fight with everything we have because our very existence relies upon it.
-Otto Von Danger
SGT/USMC and Artist at large
Semper Fidelis
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