Truth Bomb by OVD : Crime and how it's easily eliminated without police

 Hey Everyone,

  So tonight's topic is crime. What it's route causes are and what can be done to actually reduce crime. In reality most crime is done out of desperation. Poverty is the number one reason for high crime levels. Most poor are working poor. Meaning they have jobs but the job doesn't pay enough to live on. People that are desperate or hungry will do things they wouldn't normally do to get out of that state. When you add the effects of generational poverty then you will get gang and higher level street crime. again...the route cause is poverty. 

  Before the War on Drugs started by Nixon and amplified by Reagan, then Clinton and Biden's 1990's crime bill, the average amount of prisoners in State and Federal Penitentiaries was 150.000 to 200,000 a year. Actual criminals like Rapists and murderers and bank robbers. Now with the "War on Drugs" and the Crime bill the US is pushing 3 million prisoners. That was NOT caused by an increase of crime but racist laws meant to create a Slave Labor force which is Legal under the constitution as long as they are "prisoners". These "prisoners" just happen to all be poor and the majority Black or Brown. Also during hard economic times crime goes up...every time. Another example of poverty creating crime and the government exploiting it. 

  So now we know the route cause of crime how do we fix it? 

1) Make a Constitutional Amendment updating the 13th Amendment make ALL forms of slavery illegal. This will De-incentivize creating laws to "lock up more people" for  profit. In fact it makes it illegal...instantly. Then maybe we can end the insane "war on drugs" which also creates crime. Organized Crime. Prohibitions never work either. If anything they make those items more glamorous. 

2) Raise the wages. $15 is not even enough. We need a living wage. $25 and hour is more realistic. Once everyone is making enough to LIVE on. Crime will go way down. Examples are Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark. The only real crime in those countries is their own version of "war on drugs"...which their goal is to actually stop the flow...not lock people up. Of course that doesn't work either. Prohibitions not only never work. but they also create organized crime and increase demand. A McDonalds worker in Denmark makes about $25 an hour. They have little to no crime. It's really that easy. Also people being paid more stirs the economy like crazy. Eliminate prohibitions like Portugal did and you are almost at zero...that occasional dysfunctional manic. 

3) Medicare for all or Universal Healthcare. Not only does it give people more freedom and options to stay healthier but it also saves both Big Business and the Government a shit ton of money. This will also make the wealth gape less extreme. There are only about 200,000 Insurance employee's(for Healthcare) and all of them could find processing jobs in the new system. The only losers are Healthcare executives and Wall street leaches. And they aren't hurting so screw them. 

4) Cancel Student Debt. All of it. First it's a scam. secondly it's locking education away from the working class and most importantly...our best our people. if you're smart enough and work hard enough to earn a PhD then we should pitch in and get them there. It gives us a better labor force that makes more money, which equates to more tax revenue to pay for it all. Yes it's really that easy. 

  I hope you found this helpful. If you have anything to add or any questions please comment below. 

-Otto Von Danger


  1. Agree with the points above and would add a couple.

    One, big pharma and their pushing opioids despite knowing how addictive they are. I’m not directly connecting them to crime, but addiction does lead to crime for some. Doctors were prescribing widely thinking that the drugs were safe.

    Two, the increase of human trafficking and recruiting of vulnerable girls (foster care system). It’s a much bigger problem than people realize.

    1. Good point but Big Pharma are basically drug cartels with the governments backing due to the bribes they give politicians.
      I don't think there is more human trafficking. It's just more noticeable just like Cops killing Black Americans. because of Space phones and social media. Of course with the migrations starting due to Climate Change this will increase as evil people take advantage of people fleeing. .


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