Truth Bomb by OVD : The History of the FrogBat

 FrogBat 2006-Present

  I have notoriously bad birthdays. I was divorced on my Bday. I've had GF's leave me on my Bday and I found out my daughter had been murdered on my Bday to name a few examples. So in 2006(May 31) the gal I was seeing at the time...Kat that runs Burning Man's servers(Computer) talked me into going to the Frog Pond Hot springs with some close friends. It was a good Bday. We shot propane canisters and had steaks cooked on an open fire and hung out in the clean hot springs(they get nasty around July 4th). We were finished shooting and sitting around the fire cooking steaks and drinking whiskey. It was dusk so the Frog's and local Bats came out to eat the bugs and Kat who is French with a German accent said "We should shoot those Frogs & Bats" but it sounded like FrogBat's. So I replied...You don't want to shoot the FrogBats as they eat the bugs and when they get bigger they eat the hippies(modern version...bums). Metric then replied...what the F*ck is a FrogBat and I replied it hops it flaps it a MFing FrogBat and the story began. But that all it was a camp fire story...until Late June.

  I showed up to the Burning Man ranch the last week of June to build the Man and start some prefab on the man base. When I showed up the truck driver Mike "Insane" came running up excitedly to me. He and the Mechanic( a retired SEAL) had a engine pallet they thought would be great to turn into an art piece for July 4th. I looked at it and thought...yeah it could be a chest for something winged, like an Eagle...and before I finished the sentence...I though...oh hell yeah...a FrogBat. So I made the first FrogBat. We drove it through Gerlach and took pictures of it waiting on the Burning Man office stairs for Hippies to eat. The we filled it with pyro and shot it on the 4th. There was only like 50 of us and it was so fun...yes there is video of it on YouTube. The best part is Metric's laugh at the end. it was so fun. So I did it every Year and the got bigger and better. There are many video's out "FrogBat"

  The story of course evolved and became Burning Man Legend. I even had FrogBat's on Megetropolis in 2010 and Burn Wall Street in 2012(the Mother of all FrogBat's...bigger than the Man" The last one was the Oakland FrogBat and before that the Three Headed Fukashima FrogBat. I'd love to build versions of them all around the world representing those area's. The one I was planning on doing this year was the Covid-FrogBat but do to the heat wave and the Delta variant I canceled. Plus wood cost are crazy high right now. A FrogBat typically cost about $4,000 to build, ship, store, filll with pyro and clean up(including beer, expenses and food for the crew. This year would have been between $7000-$8000 which would be way harder to raise money for. Especially being banned from both Fascistbook and Twitler. 

  So I would still like to do a Covid-FrogBat next year...and even if I don't make it I have a crew that still can do it. Nick Gardner has build enough of them to pull it off. especially with Metric &  Mitjah's help and Aaron Castro "Wheel Gunner" can do the Demo and run the fire line. No one has ever been hurt on the 4th of's the event that will make you shit your pants and smile from ear to ear at the same time. 

  There is The Cult of the FrogBat too...avid FrogBat killers that travel from all around the country and world just to

kill the FrogBat. So I guess I'm a Cult Leader of sorts too(all in fun...not serious of course). There are T-shirts, stickers and even Carhart Jackets with Cult Of the FrogBat logo's on them. If you see someone with them they are guaranteed to have some good stories. 

  I'm adding pictures of various years for you all to check out...even a few memes. Enjoy.

Hop Hop, Flap Flap it's a Mother F*cking FrogBat

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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