Truth Bomb by OVD : My GoFundMe and ways to help

 Hey everyone,

Since I can no longer ask for help on social media I'm posting my GoFundMe here so you can reference it easy and please share it on social media. If you want to help more directly you can email me your cell number and I'll call you. Things I could use right now are

1) A office chair or two(my big Viking ass breaks them so even the fancy ones only last about 6 months)

2)  Food...I'm always needing food. Please contact me so you don't send stuff I don't need or want.

3) Meds...I can always use smokable weed and weed byproducts(Hash, cannabis oil, crumble etc), edibles( I eat about 200 mg to sleep at night or I have to use pain pills. I'd rather use edibles but the VA does NOT provide them...only opiates.

4) A decent I can ration my weed better.

5) weed grinder(nothing fancy)

6) Cloths...Sweat pants, socks and cool or interesting T-shirts. I'm 6'4" 250 XL. 

There's probably more but I don't expect anything so if I get any of that my quality of life is better.

Here's my new GoFundMe...again please share on Social Media as I can't anymore.


  1. Thanks to those that gave and shared this GoFundMe. It's literally what keeps me alive. Only 4 people even looked at this blog entry though so please share again. And share the blog. there are many interesting pages. I'm also going to start a "Zombie" apocalypse guild here for both fun and survival tips that apply to many situations. I will start that today 6/21/21

  2. Just to clarify my medical situation. I have Gulf war Syndrome. It attacks your nervous system. I've been in 3 helo crashes, have shrapnel in my left shoulder. My spine has no more disks, My right leg doesn't work anymore. Any movement is extremely painful. On a nerve conduction test my pain levels are 25 times higher than their chart goes. So on a doctors 1-10 pain level I'm a 250. There is no cure and there won't be one as most of us are dead or killed themselves due to the pain. The only thing the VA can do is give me opiates for pain. Opiates are addictive and damage your liver so I try to avoid them by using Cannabis for pain relief and it helps with PTSD greatly too.


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