Truth Bomb by OVD : Personal Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I've started hanging art back up. I'm about half way done. It's going slow do to a new surge in pain. I spent yesterday and most of today in bed. I'm out of edibles so I'm using the pain pills that screw with my body and help less with the pain and mood than the edibles. But I did receive a bag and jar of roaches from Sam. My friend fighting cancer in the hospital. There are well over 30 strains in these roaches and I busted half of them up to roll joints and man they are really good. Locals(Oakland) if you swing by my place I'll hook you up with one. They are helping with my mood. 

  Also I'm watching the Covid-19 Delta variant sweep across America. The Anti-science people are about to get hit hard as it's so bad even vaccinated folks should use caution and masks when around unvaccinated or "unknown status" groups of people. I'm confident we vaccinated folks will get a booster shot available soon to help fight Delta. Even Israel that is 90% vaccinated went to full lock down and masks again do to Delta. If you had plans to party with large groups over the 4th you may wish to reconsider. I even cancel FrogBat again. 

 Also Trump is back at spreading lies and violence. Telling his Nazi supporters to be ready to "take their country back". This is not a metaphor. He needs to be locked up ASAP but I don't see them trying very hard so Civil War maybe in our near future. Like there isn't enough going on with Climate Change and the Pandemic. 

  On that note the Pacific Northwest is in a Heat Dome. This is super rare(one ever thousand years tops) and the temp are in the 100-110 range from Redding in CA all the way up to Seattle and beyond. This will probably get bigger and start countless fires. Another reason to stay home. Beat the heat and not get burned alive. 

  The donations I received have kept me fed and all my bills are paid. So that's a lot less stress. I need to find a ride to Target or something so I can get some socks, slippers and sweat pants but I can live with what I have. 

   I hope your summer is going great. I'd love to hear about your adventures in the comments or a visit if your local and vaccinated. And remember...

"It's not an adventure until something goes wrong"

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 



  1. Glad to hear you seem to be in better spirits. I saw where some people left Trump's vanity rally early so maybe some of them are getting bored with his constant whining. We can hope so anyway. I'm in Mississippi, the least vaccinated state in the US so I won't be surprised if the Delta variant spreads through here like wildfire. I've seen where it's spreading through Missouri now.
    No adventures lately,

    1. Yeah most of the Midwest and south will get hit super hard with Delta. Here in CA it's already spreading in Orange County(super right wing rich white people) will be dropping like flies soon.
      I really don't Understand why anyone would follow The Orange Nazi. He pretty stupid and has the Charisma of a slug. He lies constantly and is a known conman. I guess they'll swallow all that just to be openly & violently racist.

  2. Just popped in to say hi, in bad ass f'n pain, weather's killing me...smoke one for me, art work looks great. Be safe and well Otto..Maria

    1. Thanks...I hope you find some relief. I recommend edibles.


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