Truth Bomb by OVD : Science deniers and the Silver Lining

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Delta Variant of Covid-19 is sweeping across the United States and the world. It's bad enough the World Health Organization(WHO) has issued a statement saying even vaccinated folks should wear masks. Israel and many Nations have made new mask mandates as Delta is even killing vaccinated folks(very small numbers by still alarming). Delta is way easier to spread and much deadlier. 

  Our CDC has said vaccinated people can go mask-less and are safe, but this is a politicized move to get people to vaccinate and go back to work/school and a lie. The US CDC is no longer a source of reliable information. Trump politicized it and Biden continues to do so too. Anyone using the CDC as a reference or source should not be trusted. 

  The other big news about Covid is the United States has hit a wall of people not willing to vaccinate. We won't make herd immunity because of it. meaning Covid-19 will be around a long time and we will need yearly booster shots like the flu(the only similarity with the flu). The lowest number for Herd immunity is 80%. We are around 46.3% of fully vaccinated Americans...not even close to the 80% needed. That will increase maybe 10% when some folks get their second shot. But again not even close enough for herd Immunity. The rest of the country are science deniers or Republican's trying to "own the libs". These folks don't look like they will budge. This screws us all over and ensures another year+ of this Pandemic nightmare. 

  The Silver Lining. So when Delta sweeps through the states it will infect many of the 40-50% science deniers. Killing many of them. This is horrible as that's hundreds of thousands if not millions of people that will suffer or die. But there is a silver lining. When the Science deniers start dying in droves this will make some wake up to the reality of the Pandemic and get vaccinated. Also those that die will make or Percentage of vaccinated folks grow as the number of all Americans will decrease and mostly unvaccinated ones. With them out of the pool(so to speak) and others waking up to reality we may get herd immunity next year. This depends on one thing variants. There is already a variant called Delta+ that is even deadlier. So if a new vaccine or booster is developed we could get herd immunity by late next year if not Covid could be around a long time. Another key to beating the virus is to vaccinating folks around the world. Poor Nations are struggling to get vaccines and are getting the vaccines that are not as effective when they do. This is all because of the greed of Big Pharma and the rich nations. This could also create new variants and keep Covid around for years. 

  I hope this information is helpful. Please vaccinate if you haven't and pressure your loved ones and friends to get it too. Also stay masked until this is over. Yeah it sucks but it's better than dying or this virus being around for years and years. 

-Otto Von Danger'

SGT\/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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