Truth Bomb by OVD : Treason, Sedition and the failure of the DOJ

 Hey everyone,

  So on Jan 6th 2020 we had an insurrection and attempted COUP. Thousands of Trump supporting, Nazis, White supremist's and Christian Fanatics attacked and took over most of our Nations Capital. Their goal was to murder Democratic Law makers and a few republicans like VP Mike Pence and over throw American Democracy to keep Donald Trump in office even though he clearly lost the election. The where persuaded to do so by Trump and republican Law makers such as Senators  Hawley and Cruz and many more. The conspiracy even reached the DoD where the National Guard was delayed from coming to the rescue.  These Treasonous Seditionists attacked the Capital Police and forcibly entered the Capital. they then defiled our nations capital building with destruction and even human waste. 

 So far about 500 people have been charged but with mostly low level charges like illegal protesting and tress passing. Not one politician that inspired and set up this COUP attempt has charged yet. This is an utter failure by the DOJ and the Biden administration. Had this happened in a sane nice country like Norway or New Zealand everyone involved would be serving life sentences for High Treason and sedition. In most Countries around the world they would have all been executed by now. no joke. Think what the English or Russians would do to attempted violent COUP members. It would have been ugly and public. I'm not advocating for such...just pointing out the facts Yet the first sentence was made today...probation. This will cause many problems. First this gives the green light to all future COUP attempts. When Probation is the penalty for violent High's no deterrent at all. Even worse the DOJ hasn't charged any of the Politicians involved in planning and instigating the COUP attempt yet. 

  This is an utter and complete failure by the DOJ and Law Enforcement. This will ensure another COUP will more than likely happen again if an election turns out bad for Right Wing Fascist types. It makes Jan 6th a training operation. And those same politicians are still  spreading the same lies that started the COUP in the first place. 

  This is exactly what happened to Hitler's COUP attempt. A slap on the wrist. Of course we all know what happened next. the Nazis swept into power a few years later and started a world war that killed Millions of people. History is repeating it's self. 

  What can we do to try and stop this...

1) You can Call, Email and write your Senators and Congress people and DEMAND they take the appropriate action.   

2) Confront the Fascist politicians spreading their lies and hate(this is not without risk. I'm banned from both Facebook and Twitter for doing just that)

3) Pressure the DOJ to go after them and push for harsher sentences for the treasonous seditionists.

4) Make a plan for when the next COUP happens. Whether it's escaping the country or creating Militia to fight in the Civil War that will undoubtedly start the minute a COUP succeeds. At a minimum you should make sure your passport is current and arm yourself. These people intend to kill and enslave most Americans that don't conform to their twisted Fascist ideals. 

5) Push the Democrats to actually do their jobs. Nuke the Filibuster and protect voting rights and integrity. Plus all the other promises they have broke...or the low voter turn out will ensure the Fascist win. Just getting Biden to cancel some Student Debt would net millions of voters as an example. 

These are scary times folks. With Climate Change and a Pandemic all hitting at once. All you can do is try. 

-Otto Von Danger'

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Thank You, for laying out the Straight Truth
    Hopefully, people will pay attention...

    1. Feel free to share it...or spread the word yourself. I don't need any credit. I just do this to make people aware of the truth.

  2. The fact that Trump has had no consequences for inciting this shit is disgusting, thankfully they've caught a bunch of them but they'll do shit time. Just like everyone's so happy Chauvin got 22 years, I call bullshit on that cuz with the state's good time he'll only do 12 and in protective custody. Are you feeling any better today and did you check out that vpn? I'm just a ray of fucking sunshine myself today 🤪 have a good one Otto, good post...Maria

    1. Yup...totally disgusting...and yeah Chauvin will probably only do 10-15 in protective custody...but that's still way better than the norm(letting him stay on the streets murdering Americans). I haven't checked VPN out yet as I was hit with new pain last night and my left leg is starting to fail too. I did get some sleep though finally and feel much better mentally from the much needed rest.

    2. No it's not. Most of the Veterans I knew with GWS killed themselves....years ago.


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