Truth bomb by OVD : Voting, Voting rights, solutions and alternatives

 Hey Everyone,

So today we will be discussing Voting rights and what can be done to fix our current system. Voting should be easy and accessible to all  voting age Americans(18+). It should be easy and have a paper trail so votes can be checked so that counts and recounts can be done easily. It is far from that currently and getting worse.  

  The biggest issues are Voter suppression and multiple complicated state systems. Voting machines that can be hacked, misleading ballots and access. Some Americans have to wait in line for hours just to vote. This is unacceptable and needs to be fixed but there is little to no political will to do so. The Republicans literally count on voter suppression to stay in power and Democrats try to make it impossible for third parties to get established as they would be a real threat. Voter suppression can be as blatant as closing most polls in area's were the votes would not go well for their party. It can also be secretive like taking people off of the voting polls without their knowledge. There are literally hundreds of ways to make voting harder or impossible. I could write a novel on them but I'm sure you all know enough we can move on to fixes.

 How to fix the system...

1) First and most obviously is to make a Federal system that is standard for all States and Territories. That way states can't make laws that mess with voting. All states would get their ballots approved by a non political Federal board. 

2) Automatic registration. At the age of 18 all American citizens are automatically registered using their Social security number. They are only unregistered upon Death, becoming a citizen elsewhere or High Treason. 

3) Make all election days a National holiday so people have all day to turn in their ballots. Early voting also helps give folks more time. 

4) Make all voting done by mail in/drop off ballots. Mail in ballots(that can also be dropped off in boxes and polling stations) have many advantages. First being there is a paper trail so all elections can be checked. They can't be hacked or changed. They are easy and give voters time to decide their votes. No more 7 hour lines to wait to vote. Just mail it or drop it off. Easy. Anyone against mail in voting is trying to suppress the vote. period. There is no logical reason to be against it. 

5) Make the creation of new parties easier. Remove the roadblocks and allow them in all debates.  

Those 5 things would fix voting and make voting easy for all Americans.'s really that simple.

  The next question is does voting do any good with a two party system where both parties represent the 1% and their corporations. In my opinion it doesn't make to much difference but is still a tool we can use to pressure politicians to actually represent the people. But it's not the only tool we have. The key to really putting pressure on politicians is by Unionizing and shutting down the economy to get concessions like Universal Healthcare or  higher wages, Childcare, Free University, Food and water safety standards, Climate Change and host of major problems neither party seems to want to tackle. Everyone loves to point to the Scandinavian model of Democratic Socialism as a working system but they would have never have happened without Unions and National Strikes. But Unions by themselves can't do it. They need to work together with other groups. The only thing the 1% care about is money so once you cut off the money by striking the will respond. At first they will try to break the strikes using violence. But if it isn't just a local strike this is impossible to do. You can't attack your entire work force and they will soon realize it and start conceding.  

I hope you find this helpful and start pushing these policies. 

-Otto Von Danger'

Semper Fidelis 



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