Truth Bomb by OVD : What topics would you like me to cover

 Hey everyone,

  This is to ask you all if there are any specific topics you'd like me to cover. An/Or an particular questions you may have in general.

  It can be anything from Burning Man to the Marines...from Politics to Animals

If it's simple or I don't know the subject I will answer it in comments. If it's large I will make a new Blog  entry.

Ask away in comments...

-Otto Von Danger


  1. My question is marines and general military related. I get that there is an expectation of risk for injuries and fatalities, what I’m wondering is are there consequences for leaders who recklessly or needlessly endanger those serving under them?

  2. There can be. It depends on the situation. If a leader ask you to do something illegal it's considered and unlawful command. If they have you do things that are unnecessary and personnel are inured or killed they can also get in trouble. This sadly does not apply to politicians.


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