Otto Update : Stir crazy

 Hey Everyone,

   So between the smoke and moving to much lately I've been in a world of pain and not sleeping well at all. Two or three hours a night even with the cookies. GWS makes my body sensitive to toxins so the smoke from the fires really kicks my butt. But I'm managing.

   I went to the Oakland VA last week for the first time in over a was a ghost town. 5 people in the building, tops. I'm worried they will shut it down soon cutting off services to thousands of Veterans(mostly POC). I keep getting strange Emails about them shuffling which VA chain of command the Oakland VA falls under, which is a sign of major change around the corner. 

  I still never found a ride to a Target or similar. I really need to get a rubber bath matt to avoid slipping in the shower or getting in and out of the tub.  And my slippers are falling apart. My feet hurt to much to wear sneakers or boots anymore. So I need to replace them those slippers soon . it's tough finding slippers that are Viking sized here. So I'm still looking for a ride for that.

  Sam's memorial has been set up too. It's Aug 8th at the Great American Music Hall in SF from 2-6pm. Of course I'm looking for a ride both ways for that too. It should be a great gathering.

  Which reminds me...I'm freaking stir crazy. I'm tired of staring at these walls and talking to myself. So I'm looking for any excuse to get out of the house. Even with all the pain involved...I just need to get out. If you wanted to drag me somewhere, now would be a good time to try.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper fidelis




  1. I hear you about going stir crazy but at least I got out last weekend. I hope you get a ride to Sam's memorial, can you take an Uber , Maria

    1. I couldn't afford an uber that far. I'm confident I'll find a ride though. I haven't seen another human in 3 days now.

  2. Btw, have you tried the vpn or still feeling too shitty to do so, miss you on the Twitter..Maria again 😂

    1. But you can share this on Twitter or whatever...feel free to do so.

  3. I don't use Amazon as they underpay and abuse their workers on top of being a major polluter.


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