Otto von Danger Zombie Apocalypse Survival guide Chapter 1 Part 2 Gear and Go bags
Part 2 gear
So you'll see a lot of survival enthusiasts stockpile guns, ammo, food and equipment. Stockpiles are pretty useless in real life. You don't need 20 guns and most likely you won't be sitting on your stockpile when the shit hits the fan. You should have a go bag in your home and car/truck . And small caches are a smarter idea. especially for those of you living in rural area's. If you have all your eggs in one basket the wave of migrators will most likely get it and you have nothing. With a few small caches at least a few may make it.
To go bag
A "to go bag" can be used for any nasty event. From earthquakes to fires to zombies. It's a small carriable cache. If you pack to much you won't be able to carry it in bad circumstances(like fleeing zombies). It should include the following :
1) Dried, pickled and/or canned foods. Food that doesn't spoil. High protein is the priority. Suggestions are jerked meat, pickled fish, beans, rice and protein bars. Small light and packed with energy you'll need.
2) Water. I recommend a few smaller bottles of water instead of one big one. Water weighs 11 pounds a gallon(heavy) so 2 gallons max. Make sure the containers are solid.
3) Water purification. You will need to find water sources fast if your on the run or holding out. Even if they used to be "clean" you should expect that not to be the case during one of these horrible events. Even zombies. Until you can determine otherwise treat them all as possible harmful or deadly. So at a minimum boil your new found water and have one person from your group test it first. Other recommendations for your "to go bag" are water purification tablets(basically iodine tablets) or a water filters. Most Camping and hiking stores carry them. Even with these...boil your water first.
4) Fire starting tools. Flint and a knife will work and the knife has other uses. a few lighters or packs of matches(remember these will run out fast) in a water tight container. Fire can be used for warm, light, signaling, comfort, cooking and boiling water. Obviously don't start a fire if it will get you spotted or during any nuclear incident. Burning wood or anything that has absorbed radiation will release it all at once. Killing you fast. A camp fire at night could be a zombie or migration horde magnet. Small fires with little smoke(don't burn leaves, oil, coal or green vegetation as they create thick smoke) are you best bet. or you can conceal a night fire in a cave or big hole. A thorough recon of the area should always be done before lighting a fire.
5)Clothing. a few items only. They should be for warming or cooling you off(jackets, gloves, hats, shorts) style won't matter. Only a few items. A poncho and poncho liner are ideal. the can give shade and keep you warm and dry. Remember you may have to carry this for long distances. don't over pack.
6) Weapons and tools. I'd pack at least a good knife. As it has many uses besides defense. Fire starting, cutting, cooking, building shelter and making more tools and weapons. You can make a spear in 5 to 10 minutes with a decent knife. A hand gun with a few magazines of ammo but remember pistols aren't much good against real guns and have limited range. They are a side arm or back up gun. Also you only have so much ammo and it's heavy. Bolt cutters for getting through things like fences, locks and can be used as a club. A compass is always handy too so you at least have an idea of where you are going. a small pot for cooking and boiling water(also can be used as a club). I will go more into weapon in part III. Again remember you have to be able to carry all this.
7) Signaling. In case you need to call out for help for allies or let others no this is a bad area. the three easiest and basic signals are fire(3 fires is the International signal for SOS) and it's smoke, a flare and lastly a mirror. Having a cheat sheet for Morse code is handy. You can signal from miles away with a small pocket mirror. I'd go with the mirror as my primary as it's small and directional.
8) Shelter. As I said above a poncho and liner are the best shelter for many environments and small and compact. there are small tents you could pack too but those weigh and take up space. The Mylar blankets are small and work in a pinch but are easily damaged and are highly reflective so I wouldn't advise them unless you are in a safe area. Be prepared to have to make your own shelter. Again a good knife would be very helpful for this.
Your "to go bag" shouldn't weigh more than 40 lbs and should be easily carried(less for smaller folks). A back pack is a good "to go bag" . You should have one in your place and if you drive, one in your car. they are handy for lesser emergencies too.
Caches are small stockpiles, buried and or hidden.
These are deposits of supplies you have stashed around that you can fall back on for resupply. The key to success with caches is how well hidden they are and how well protected the supplies are. Even cans will rot if just buried in a hole. Most caches will be made after the event. Lets say you hold out quietly for the Migration and the zombies chasing it to leave. Then you have many stores and homes to acquire supplies from. Instead of hording it in one place make a few caches so in the event your over run, have to flee you have gear and food hidden away and even if some are discovered you have more. All caches should be at least "to go bag" quality or more(you can rebury what you don't need). Don't burry food with gas or other chemicals. Bury them separate. Grease any metal gear, tools or weapons and pack everything in multi layers. Thick plastic bags will work for short term. Make sure YOU can find you caches. A mark in the area or a landmark you can easily remember. If you have more time you can turn your caches in to rally points with shelter(again hidden). Like a cave or bunker. If you do so make sure you have multiple exits.
this first thing you need to know is Gasoline only has a 30 day life time. then it goes bad. So if you are using a powered vehicle or generators, you should look for diesel. But even then Diesel will run out pretty fast. So alternate transport should be used. On foot, bikes, boats(sail or ore), animals, skies, sleds and snowshoes (for winter environments). Boats are probably the best option as you can get around easily avoiding Zombies or bad people and fish for food. Flatter bottom boats like the Viking Long Boat design are best for doing both ocean and rivers.
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