Otto von Danger Zombie Apocalypse Survival guide Chapter 1 Part 3 : Weapons

   With Covid-Delta spreading fast and even spreading through vaccinated's going to be total hell this summer. Florida already surpassed last summers peak. And this variant is deadlier. Even Children are getting it and ending up in the ICU in larger numbers. So of course I thought this would be a great time for the weapons portion of this Zombie Survival Guide. 


There are a few considerations you need to make. Range. Effectiveness and the ability to get or even make more ammo. For Many reasons the 12 gauge shotgun is the best survival weapon for any situation. Shots are easier to repack and 12 gauge is common so you'll find them more often. A shot gun with buck shot is great for a scared greenie up to 100 feet. A trained shooter with slugs...300 m. And they'll go through cinderblock walls and engine blocks...let alone body armor. It's ideal for Urban, Forested or Jungle environments. 

If you're in a grassy plains or desert area where you can see for miles a Rifle is the best choice. As for Ammo 30/30 and 30/6 are easy to repack but will become hard to come by fast, so anything 5.56 mm or 7.62 would be better. I prefer 7.62 as it packs a punch which would easily take out a zombie and has a longer more accurate shot. It and it's ammo weigh more though so little folks should opt for the 5.56. 

  Knives. A good knife should always be handy and part of every survival kit(to go bag) A good knife is a good weapon for hand to hand. Fast, efficient and silent. It's also a valuable tool for many things...making more weapons is one. A good knife can make 10 decent spears in an hour. That could save a group.

  Pistols. Pistols have limited range and are not very accurate, especially under stress. Making them a side arm(a back up weapon). The .45 Caliber 1911 model would be the best but getting ammo for it would be hard. Everyone uses 9 mm now. So you should pick a 9mm you are familiar with. Pistols will run pout of bullets fast. A knife would be better in most circumstances at close range. 

  Shields and Spears. A shield doesn't just protect you from a lunging zombie. You can bash your opponent with it. If locked in a Shield wall with your group you can hold your ground. Add spears. which are easy to make. range to keep the zombies back and kill them. You can move you Shield wall to push the zombies back or to position your selves for withdrawal. Both spears and shields are easy to make. Tying a knife to the end of a pole is not a spear. Sharpen the end of a 6-8 foot long pole,/branch, small tree. Heat the tip in a small hot fire just until it blackens...not charred. That's "hardened" and will do the job. Eventually you can make proper spear heads. But Hardened spears will more than do in a pinch.  If you shield wall gets tired...more to a hall or door and clog it up with zombie bodies to give your selves a breather. Even a narrow street. Spears can also be great for hunting and fishing. 

  Axes. One of my favorite side arms. like a knife it is a great close quarters weapon and also has many uses as well. It's nice to have an axe when your spear breaks. You can find axes all over the place. 

Maces, Flails, Morning stars and clubs.

  If the head is the target, any clublike object will work. they are heavy and cumbersome. They have no secondary purpose. But in  a pinch...pick up that bronze statue and club a just fine. 


  More realistic for the long haul. For the most part they are light and accurate for silent ranged kills. Quarrels(or bolts) are easy to spears. Arrows require fletching and to be more effective, arrow heads. But reloading a crossbow takes time so overall the bow is a better choice. You'll get good at arrow making in no time. 


  Which bring me to the most important part of this...chances are you're going to end up with what ever you end up with. What ever that is...learn it. practice. Build up your'll need it. When you find other weapons...learn them too. When you find other people and group up...practice together. Shields and spears are easy to make and you can use you shield wall to also protect your shooters whether it's guns or bows or combo. Your shield wall can move over the destroyed zombies so you can retrieve arrows and bolts. Practicing these formations is key to pulling them off. Horns and or whistle blasts are good for signaling a direction or change in formation once the battle is full on with all the noise. Practice practice practice.  


  Remember these weapons are deadly and should be treated and respected as such. Having to kill your friend again after you accidently kill them is not a good day. Just be aware. 


Next part Armor and Mobility

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

Otto and Kat at " Pagan Choirs Practice" (the range 2007)



  1. So is anyone even reading these? Or should I just stop?

    1. Yeah, I'm here for the content bud ... I should comment more often. Continue to be impressed with your writing and content skills. You should come back to twitter! Best, Jay.

  2. I read them too, just don't always comment cuz if there's a zombie apocalypse I'd rather be the zombie ๐Ÿคช. Dont have that much fight left in me

  3. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ thank you


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