OVD Update : All Alone

 Hey everyone,

  Well the few that actually read this...I guess not many want my opinions or facts let alone care what's up with me. Being banned from social media has isolated me more than ever. I rarely get visitors and sit alone talking to myself. At least I have great conversations skills and many stories and experiences but I already know them all. My GoFundMe in my last blog entry got 1 donation. So I figure no one is reading this and I should stop bothering. I rarely get comments either. So even if a few are reading it, it's not sparking conversation...the whole reason I started this blog. It still has zero followers.

 My life now is sitting here alone dealing with pain. It's no life and I don't see the future getting any better...only worse. If you care about this blog or me this will be your last time to show it in comments. As unless I see interest on a real level I can't see wasting my or your time with it. I tried adding the Zombie Survival guide to add fun and that failed. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

over and out. 


  1. Sounds very sad and generally awful. I hope some of your local friends can visit and hang out

    1. If I was on social media and posted this I'd have visitors fast for a few weeks at least. Everyone lives on social media now. This is why I'm alone so often these days and I can't get rides or help. It's like I'm dead already. My doctors have no clue why I'm still alive. I have no reason to be alive anymore and people don't care if I am or not...so it's feels like I'm already dead. And no I'm NOT planning on harming myself. If I was like that I would have done it a decade ago when the pain got so bad walking became hard and I couldn't work or build anymore. But my will to live is going fast...and that's probably the only thing keeping me alive. I even stopped doing healing rune magik on myself...I send it all to others now.

    2. Otto, you are not alone, buddy, I found you today and I am in support of you. Hang in there, you will get more people following you and I predict that support is coming!
      I'll spread the news about you and see if we can get you support and people near you yo help. Having spent a significant period of my life in pain, I know how it makes the entire whole of your life miserable. Stay strong and hold out!

  2. Otto, we are still here. Looking pretty sharp in that suit. You have helped me many times over the months and years, use that rune magik on yourself. You deserve it Brother.

    1. 11 people looked at this post yesterday...and two commented. You are still here but many others are not.

  3. Yeah, now I'm even getting less traffic. So I guess this blog was a waste of time.

    1. Sorry Otto, I have been focused on my own battles and haven't checked in. I hope you are feeling better and I wish I could afford to come for a visit. I was really hoping that that Verizon project would have had me working there and I would have been able to visit you more often. The guy I was working with has flaked on me many times and turns out to be an anti vaxxer so I am done with him. I was just asked about you from one of our follower friends, Jay_RESISTS. I will post the link to this blog when I finish here and try to generate more interest. Wish I could do more. I will try harder to keep in touch and will come by as soon as I can. Hang on brother.
      Semper fi.


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