OVD Update : life at home has sunk to unbearable

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm going through a new pain stage with GWS...everything hurts more and I have to get used to it. Even getting around the house is hard as hell. About a week ago I got into it with my room mate Tony about not cleaning up after himself. He stopped working about 6 months ago and has turned in to a shitty room mate. He never cleans up and creates huge messes. He breaks shit and never fixes or replaces it. My stuff. He can't even wash dishes correctly leaving food stuck on at least half of what he "washes". The final straw was I asked him if he could empty the garbage and recycling some time that day(Something that was agreed upon him moving in as stairs hurt badly and which was over flowing due to his trash). He immediately pitched a bitch and I ended up having to do it. So I told him this must change or he needs to find a new place to live. I'm not a maid and I'm disabled. Well after our argument he closed himself in his room for 2 days and then left for three. So I cleaned the house and fixed the toilet seat he broke. Then he came back in the middle of the night and locked himself in his room. refusing to talk. It's been 3 days...he hasn't slept. I'm pretty sure he's doing meth and there is banging in his room 24 hours a day. he comes out when I'm sleeping and...wrecks the house. Yesterday I found the kitchen floor covered in muddy footprints and today the kitchen sink is filled with dried up, stuck on puke. I'm also confident he will abandon the place with no warning. Where part of me is happy he'll be gone...it will financially hurt me. I'll have to come up with his half the rent(which includes utilities and a parking space out back). That's $975 I don't have. plus I'll have to scramble to fix what ever he's doing in the room. And I'm disabled and can hardly move. So this could cause me to go homeless unless I can raise  the money for next months rent and these repairs and get some help fixing the place and get another room mate. To say the least I'm stressed out and demoralized. The only reason I put up with this crap this long is his 3 year old son. Now I see that the poor kid is screwed(his mom is a tweeker that doesn't care either). Again demoralizing. Below is a link to my GoFundMe...I have no access to social media so please share it on Facebook and Twitter. 


If you know Tony...please talk some sense into him. This is what I'm dealing with daily...

That last picture is the Meth baggie I found clogging the bathtub drain.


  1. Now he's made a mess of the bathroom. Shredding some green plastic all over.

  2. So I went to wash my hair inn the tub as the sink is still full of vomit to find the drain clogged. It was a Meth baggie blocking the drain. Pictures taken in case CPS or LE gets involved.

  3. Hey Otto! Sorry to hear... it appears tweakers are everywhere. You don’t need anymore bs. Being disabled is hard enough just to make it through a day. Thinking of you.

  4. Well last night while I was gone visiting friends in Berkeley he finally cleaned up the floor and sink.

    1. Glad to know. I’m happy you got out with friends. I posted your gfm on fb yesterday.

    2. Thanks...still not sure if I'll need it yet or not. Buy if not this coming up month the next for sure.


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