OVD Update


  So I got into it with my Room mate about not cleaning up after himself or taking the garbage out after asking him nicely to take the over flowing garbage down(which is also part of our agreement for him living here). He stayed in his room for two days and then split for the weekend with his son. Not a word to me.

  So with him gone I've been able to catch up on the cleaning as I'm not constantly chasing messes. The place looks much better and smells better too. But I know he's going to come back and wreck it. He's not a bad guy. He's fun to hang around but he has zero ability to clean up after himself. A toddler could wash dishes better(I constantly have to rewash dishes pissing me off). And he acts like the house is a garbage can...leaving wrappers and garbage all over the counters, floors and even the bathroom. Also he uses and breaks things I buy for the house constantly never replacing or fixing them. I just fixed the toilet seat he broke a week ago as an example. It's super frustrating to say the least. I've had multiple nice talks to him about it and now a few yelling matches...nothing has changed. He's not even working now(for a few months) and spends his time doing shit like this...

Not only does this damage the room...what's the point? The kid can't even ride it up there and getting it down would be a nightmare. He also spend tons of time & money "working" on it. 

  All of this makes my pain levels worse as I'm doing the work and stresses me to no end. We live in the ghetto. If it isn't cleaned we get bugs and rats...a screw that nonsense. 

  If you know him please talk to him(nicely) because I can't deal with this anymore. I've only dealt with it this long as there is a child involved and it's a pandemic. He needs to get with the program of move out. 

On another note

  I haven't seen any humans in awhile and could really use some company. I'm stir crazy and bored out of my mind. So please come over for a visit or drag me out some place local. I'm still looking for a ride to get a rubber bath mat and new slippers...before I run out of money again. Even a phone call would help a little. I'm feeling very alone in the world with both Underfoot and Sam passing. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fi


  1. Not 100% sure but from what it sounds like and the fact he is hiding in his room...it looks like he's moving out. I'll get screwed for next months rent of course and have to raise the $975 on GoFundMe as I scramble to find a new roomie.


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