Truth Bomb by OVD : 6 Million Americans about to become homeless

 Hey Everyone,

  So since the beginning of the pandemic I've been warning about possibility of mass homelessness in the United States. We are already have a homeless problem due to low wages and high rents. With the Pandemic it's gotten worse because of people being in lock down and not being able to work. Trump and Biden both passed eviction moratoriums but those are like a band aid for shot gun blast. It only delays the inevitable. In my Covid plan I called for suspension of rent and mortgages to restart a few months after the Pandemic is over. That way you could go back to work and not owe a years+ worth of rent and Mortgages.  Or they could have given us enough to pay those with a UBI(most 1st world countries sent their citizens a average of $2k a month). But they didn't. And now the moratorium is about to end and they are predicting 6 million evictions the first week. More than the population of Norway. Of course the wealthy love this as they can buy up all the properties for pennies on the dollar and most likely why they are letting it happen.

  The Impact of forcing 6 million American on the street during a Pandemic will be  devastating. Not only will it help the virus spread killing many but it will cause an economic depression 1930's style. Land lords will start losing their properties and livelihoods. And crime will already is. When people have nothing left to lose they get desperate and do desperate things. They get angry and strike back. It's already happening around the Bay Area with people robbing stores and shop lifting in bold daytime thefts. They just don 't care anymore. They know the system is broken and doesn't care about them. 

  Politically it will devastate the Democratic Party. This will happen under their watch so they will be blamed. plus most of those 6 million won't be able to vote without an address so that's 6 million votes lost already. And even if they could vote you think they'd vote for the party that just made them and their families homeless? No, they won't. So America will slip fully into fascism. 

  What can we do? Call and Email your reps. We have about a week to stop this crazy nonsense from happening. Otherwise this problem is too big to do anything as an individual to make any real difference. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper fidelis



  1. This is something that will be a huge problem if the eviction hold isn’t extended among other things.
    Homeless people are allowed to vote, a permanent address is not required. They can list a shelter, a place they frequent or even the courthouse in their county to name a few.

    1. That depends on the state they live in. And try setting that up for 6 million may get 5 that jump through all those flaming hoops just to vote for Nazis(Republicans) or the Democrats that helped make them homeless.

  2. True I posted about CA which is the state I know about. The hoops should not be flaming though. I just don’t like the idea that someone who wants to vote feels like they can’t because of misinformation.

    1. CA and in fact the Nation have enough empty houses to house them all...but greed and speculation stand in the way.

  3. Property owners across the country file 500,000 evictions comes another great Depression.

  4. The "powers that be" have now uped the number to 12 million Americans about to become homeless.


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