Truth Bomb by OVD : Bernie Sanders is trying to save the Democrats and the world

 So Bernie Sanders is back in the news. As the Head of the Budget committee in the Senate he has a big say in a legislation that gets made in that committee. well he just put out the Budget for the year and it's got 3 Trillion in Green new Infrastructure and programs to help us all out in many ways. A lot of the stuff the Democrats promised but failed to deliver. This can NOT be it has a really good chance of being passed(cross your fingers because the Democrats always find a way to screw up a good thing). This shows HE can beat the Republicans when Joe Biden does squat in the White House. Stuff we want and NEED done. Call and Email your Senators and Reps to get this budget passed. All it takes is a few Democrats to fuck this we need to put the pressure on so they don't. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I've already contacted all my local politicians, if they don't get their shit together we are going to be totally fucked starting in 2022! Lol, I wish I had half the energy Bernie does ❤ Maria

    1. Right on...and yeah...this is basically the only chance the Democrats have to hold anything(house, Senate and White House)

    2. True that Otto, they better get gangster on these dipshit Republicans or we could end up with DeSatan as prez ..Maria

    3. Yeah gov. Death sentences would be worse than Trump


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