Truth Bomb by OVD : Climate Change correction

 Hey Everyone,

  So Climate Change is in the news everyday now as early super storms, wild fires and sea life dying is happening all over. Two days ago Seattle was 120. So hot over 1 billion sea animals died in the area. So it made me realize I was wrong in one part of my prediction of how Climate Change will unfold. The Arctic and Antarctica will not be safe zone. Northern Russian cities in the Arctic Circle are also hitting 120. So there will not be a safe zone except during winter. So if you could flee from the Arctic to Antarctica and back and forth staying there during the "winter" you might survive longer. But say fleeing to Greenland or Norway or southern Argentina...will only save you until summer. It's sad with this happening in real time and the Governments are still not taking it seriously. 9 years left until no life on earth and they are building new pipelines and still drill for oil and mining coal. In short we're fucked. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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