Truth Bomb by OVD : Covid delta update : We're f*cked

 Hey Everyone,

  As you may have notice Republicans...even some of the hardcore Nazi ones are coming out in favor of vaccinating. Sounds like good news huh...well it isn't working. Around the country they are protesting vaccines and masks. Loudly and Threateningly. Add the fact that vaccinated folks are spreading it too...meaning the vaccine isn't as effective anymore...we're screwed.

   Expect much more Death this summer and Fall than last year as Delta spreads way easier and is deadlier by far than regular covid. Children are already showing up to the Covid ICU's. Because it's surviving the vaccines it's probably already mutated again. Big Pharma is already looking at Third doses of vaccine. 

  The only good news is the Republican Party(Nazi party of America) will die off in droves in the next coming weeks and months. Unvaccinated and out in public in large groups, mask less...they are doomed. By the time a few family members die it will be to late to vaccinate. So the Democrats may win as the remaining republicans will be crushed by the fact they believed lies from their politicians, that killed their own families. Or just be dead and unable to vote. The bad news is that leaves us with the Democrats that aren't much better and ineffective. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 

"The Last variant will be Covid-Z"


  1. My daughter got real sick from the variant after being vaxxed, masked and in full PPE at work, if she hadn't been vaxxed she would have been hospitalized. A friend just got the Pfizer booster in a trial setting, finger's crossed it's available to all of us soon

    1. Sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm glad she made it. Yeah Delta is a lot worse. Florida just hit the same numbers that it had at the peak last summer and it's still July. The CDC is starting to freak as this could send us back to square one.

  2. It’s bad enough that adults are refusing to get vaccinated but when they make it so that kids will get it…yes, we are f….ed on so many levels. We’ve been f, ed just super obvious now.


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