Truth Bomb by OVD : Guns and common sense

 This has just got to stop...\

The constant mass shootings...the living in constant fear...The lack of common sense.

   I'm a gun owner. I'm also a trained Marine. I don't have an assault rifle because I don't need one. Most folks don't. They are worthless for hunting as it's a tumbling round and it's a longer ranged weapon. A shotgun will do you better in any city or forested area. If you need one for a "civil war" then take one from a US service member you killed. There is no argument why those should be legal for anyone save a gun shop or gun range owner to make some cash letting people fire them. Or a farmer in the plains (long range) to keep coyotes and wolves at bay. And that has a permit process. Everyone who owns a gun should take an actual gun class and range work from someone like me. Everyone should owning a gun should be mental sound. Stop all the lope holes. If I can by 5 AR-15's at a gun show in Nevada and bring them to California...what's the point of CA having a law when it's that easily broken? Common sense gun regulation needs to happen yesterday. Enough is enough is enough. Will this stop it it will stop a lot of it and we can fix the rest by fighting against poverty existing in America. Poverty is the route cause of both Crime and Anger towards the system and those who benefit from it. But that's another post.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis 


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