Truth Bomb by OVD : Joe Biden evaluation

 Joe Biden has been the POTUS now for 100 days. I will break down where I think he's done good and bad and what he needs to do to stop the Nazi party(Republicans) from taking back over in 2022/24.

  First of all I will state on a 1 to 10, I would rate Biden at a 2. He has broken every promise he made and has let Trump and the Seditionist Nazis get away with Jan 6th and their failed COUP attempt. Secondly he has not addressed the biggest issues of our time at all...Climate Change, The Covid Pandemic and Bigotry fueling the divisions in America. 

  When running for the Presidency Biden promised to sign an executive order to eliminate student debt. Then he scaled it down to 50k then he says nothing will be done. Student debt is the second biggest thing screwing up our economy and insuring a few generations will be in debt for life. It also blocks people from getting a higher education as they don't want to be in debt for a skill set that will never be able to pay off that debt. This will insure younger voters will not turn up to all. To them the system is broken and doesn't care for them at all. The student Debt programs are scams in themselves. Designed by loan sharks. This also make the wealth Gap and race divide even worse as lower income Americans won't be able to access higher education and if they do they basically become indentured servants. One step up from slavery. If Biden wants any hope of winning in 2022/24 he should eliminate student debt or at least a large chunk of it. This would net him tens of millions of voters that will show up to vote and get our economy sailing as those folks can now buy stuff like homes and cars. 

  Another of Joe Biden's promises was a $2k check right away for covid relief. He only delivered $1400 and it was late. Again this will cost him voters...many. The argument that the Republican's under Trump gave us $600 so that equals $2k is nonsense. The Republicans will run ads saying they gave America $1800($1200+$600) and the Democrats only $1400...which they wouldn't even need to lie about as it is the truth.

Joe Biden keeps trying to "work" with the Republicans(basically the Nazi party of America) even though they have publicly stated they will vote against everything he puts up and have shown time and time again they will. He needs to call them out and stop even trying to be "bipartisan"    

  Biden can't even control his own party. Nothing is getting passed as the Democrats are stopping themselves from getting anything passed. Mainly because they refuse to end the racist Filibuster. Nothing is getting done so support of the Democrats is eroding daily. Do you think the black folks in the south are going to wait 7 hours in line and jump threw hoops for a party that delivered nothing? Nope. Biden needs to have both Sen. Sinema and Sen Manchin stripped of all committee assignments and Federally defund their states until they cave. And they that's their only power and would grantee they would lose their elections in the primaries. Biden knows the Senate and knows this would work but refuses to do it. 

   He has failed to Address bigotry and Law enforcement issue. As communities around the nation want to spend less money on police and more on things to fix their communities. Joes has not only ignored them but has increased police budgets everywhere he can. he's also still allowing ICE to run amok violating human rights publicly. This will cost more votes from brown, black folks and progressives plus anyone with a conscious. A few things that could be done to fix that...abolish ICE and charge them with their crimes. Make profit prisons illegal. Make a national database of Police officers that have abused their authority so they can't just go get hired elsewhere. Make an FBI task force to investigate all potential crimes done by Law Enforcement. End qualified Immunity. Fund alternative programs and raise wages. Most crime stems from poverty and uncertainty. 

  Biden also promised $15 an hour minimum wage. Which isn't enough but a start that would help tens of millions of Americans out. But has failed to deliver in his one feeble attempt. Saying you're for something is not the same as delivering. Killing the Filibuster and pushing this through would net millions of loyal voters. Even poor republicans.  

   The Pandemic is a major fail by both parties. First Trumps totally inept response and Biden totally relying on the vaccines. America has lost more people than any other Nation in the world. Period. They don't want to do actual lock downs as they are more worried about making money than American lives. My hope is after the Delta variant kills thousands more Americans  they start to take this seriously. Delaying just makes the Virus stay around longer...killing more and doing even more damage to the economy they only care about. And a note to Republican's reading this...your voters are the ones that will die in large numbers...get with the program. this should NOT be political.

  Voting rights are another issue that isn't being fought hard enough. again. Kill the racist Filibuster and pass a new voting rights law before we are rigged into a Nazi run country and the end of American democracy.

  Then there is the elephant in the room. Climate Change. It's here. It's reeking havoc. Yet we are still building pipelines(both Biden and Trump), subsidizing big oil and coal(with our tax money) and issuing new drilling permits. I am happy to see Biden put some Climate Change measures in the Infrastructure bill, mostly to fight wild fires and only $50 billion) but that's not near enough and still doesn't address the cause...oil and coal extraction and burning.   We need to spend trillions on greening our infrastructure and electrifying our transportation(cars, trucks, ships, trains and planes). The best way to do this and avoid a fight in Congress is simple as Commander and Chief he could order all the Military to switch to 100% renewable power(for tactical reasons more dependence on oil gives the military a huge advantage). They already have a budget but he can direct how it's spent. neither party will cut that budget and it's almost a trillion a year. More than enough to make the switch. And once the military is buying it...everyone will retool to make that money and renewable will be the only thing available soon after.'s really that simple.

  I hope this helps you all understand the situations and can use this information to push your politicians the right direction. I look forward to other suggestions in the comments. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis 



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