Truth Bomb by OVD : July 4th and the State of the Union
Hey Everyone,
I hope you all have a fun and safe 4th of July. Remember fire conditions and the delta variant. My day will be sitting at home alone in pain but that's my everyday so I'll be fine.
I want to talk about what J4 represents and where this Nation is at presently. July 4th is the Day the United States became a Nation by signing the declaration of Independence. Making our split from the English Empire public. A day to celebrate our new found freedoms. Of course this was only true for Anglo-Saxon land owning men. Over the last two and a half centuries these "freedoms" were extended to more and more of our people but that fight continues. Until we are all treated equally the "American dream" will never be fully realized.
Presently we have a two party system that is broken. One party, the Republicans want to do away with equal rights entirely and want to create a Fascist Christian based Nation. Like Iran only with more bigotry. No Democracy. And both Parties are only concerned with gaining wealth by working for the Wealthy and their Corporations. The Democrats say they are for equal rights but their policies and lack of fight show this not to be true at all. Just a platitude to gain minority votes while minorities can still vote. Many republican States are trying to rig elections so minorities and the poor can't vote or make it so difficult most won't.
This is happening in the middle of a Pandemic while Climate Change ravages the Nation and the world. Both parties have failed to take either issue seriously. Making the US the Nation with the most Covid deaths and cases. Also they continue the policies of rewarding the extraction oil and coal that are killing life on our planet.
If that wasn't bad enough the wealth gap is growing at an unsustainable level. I tried to point this out with my "Burn Wall Street" art Installation. The wealthy are for the most part above the law and don't pay taxes while the working class can't afford rent or food and pay all the taxes. It's even worse for minority working poor. Higher Education is so expensive with a loan shark program guaranteeing any who use it a life time of debt for an education that can't even pay the bills. At a time when we need scientists, Inventors and skilled people of all sorts to try and save our nation and planet.
In my opinion the United States of America is on it's last leg and will fall into anarchy(actual not political) and chaos within a few years. People are already deciding not to work as what's the point if you'll still be homeless and starving anyways. Look at Amazon as a prime example. Most of their employee's use public assistant and live in their cars. Of course all this poverty is driving the crime rate sky high as desperate people will do what they have to to survive. Add the anger for all the inequalities and it's a bomb waiting to go off. Every revolution or period of Chaos in human history comes from these realities.
This should surprise no one. Poverty has always been the main driver for crime.
So enjoy your J4 as it maybe the last one celebrated ever. If not than one of the last.
-Otto Von Danger
SGT/USMC and Artist at Large
Semper Fidelis
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