Truth Bomb by OVD : Mass murder and liability in the Pandemic

 Another fine Monday in America. The west is on fire and the east is flooding with more hurricanes on the way. Trump, Desantis (gov of Florida known as Death sentences), many more republican politicians, FOX and the other two wacko right wing news channels, Facebook and to a degree Twitter are all pushing(or allowing) the anti-science of being against vaccines and masks(even though they are vaccinated). They are literally killing their own constituents with this misinformation. 

  The science is clear now. The vaccines work and have very few complications. This is undisputable fact with over 100 million vaccinated in the US alone. Also mask mandates and social distancing work. again this is fact. No debate. Yet these politicians and their crazed followers are spreading misinformation about this to get people to not vaccinate or mask up. This will kill hundreds of thousands of their followers if not millions as the Delta variant sweeps through America. Companies like Facebook have this crap posted all over their sites and they claim it does not go against their standards(mass murder), twitter is a little better but only takes down about half of these tweets. I know from personal experience as I always report these posts. Facebook never took them down and twitter only about half the time. And then there are companies like FOX that push that murderous agenda daily. So what can be done?

  Are these companies legally liable for these deaths? If a family watches FOX regularly and doesn't get vaccinated and a few family members die and a few are messed up for life(covid does have long term effects), can they sue FOX or Facebook for pushing this agenda? Can they sue Government officials like Gov. Death Sentences of Florida? Can they sue individuals like Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump for pushing this murderous agenda?  The answer is yes. My guess in the next month as the bodies start stacking up(Florida is already that way) the suits will start. As soon as the right wingers go through personal loss and realize they've been lied to and fooled. 

 Another thing that can be done on the federal level is the AG could also go after them...for mass murder. I wouldn't hold my breath for this but it is legal and could be done. This would require a backbone. something Democrats don't seem to have. If the tables were turned you bet your bottom dollar the republicans would go after them. 

  Why should we's just killing Nazis? Yes this will kill many in the Trump Nazi cult and disenfranchise many more(once they realize their own party is literally trying to murder them). And in the short term that will help politically. They always vote but can't if they are dead and the republicans are a dying party. they won't get bigger as the younger generations for the most part hate them. So this will do massive damage to their political power. So why not let them kill themselves off? 

  Simple, Covid-19 doesn't care about political parties or anything. It wants to live and do it's thing. so if we let this go unchecked we are helping the virus survive. And it will mutate. In a mixed population like ours(both vaccinated and unvaccinated) it is a recipe for a vaccine resistant variant. Then we are back at square one and it will get worse. This effects all of us. This is why I push for vaccines to be sent around the globe as fast as possible. Rich nations like the US and Germany holding back on sending vaccines or not allowing them to be made elsewhere...are risking the same outcome. A vaccine resistant variant. Not to mention it's condoning mass murder. Making us as bad as the Trump cult in that regard. 

  What can you do as an individual? Many things. call this anti-science bullshit out where ever you see it. If you know a family that believes the bullshit and has a family member(s) die...push them to sue all Four. companies like Facebook allowing this crap on their sites, companies like FOX that push it, Politicians who are pushing it in their states and Individuals like Trump and Tucker. Also contact your representatives to push for more vaccines sent out worldwide and "intellectual property" be stripped for Covid vaccines so other countries can make the vaccines themselves. Also push them to have the Justice department go after these mass murder's. And of course stay masked and avoid crowds. Get your reluctant friends to get vaccinated. It took me awhile but I got my room mate to vaccinate recently. And once he did he's been pro vaccine ever since. He's no Trumper...just not a fan of needles. But none the less once vaccinated he realized all his fears were bullshit and now pushes his other friends to get the vaccinated. You can make a difference. you can save lives. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



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