Truth Bomb by OVD : Mordor season has begun in the Bay Area

 Hey Everyone,

    So for the last thee days there has been a wall of smoke of the coast. It kind of looked like a Wave of Doom. Well it has swept in. It looks like a heavy Fog now and smells like wood smoke. I've closed the windows and have started getting myself used to wearing a mask inside to cut down on the smoke ash. It sucks. I fully expect to wake up tomorrow in full on many years in the recent past. Watching our world burn is horrifying...breathing it is even worse. 



  1. Oh shit Otto, I can't even imagine, I'd have a constant migraine. We're under a shelter in place order due to flooding. Unreal how fucked up our planet has become, makes one wonder if it's too late and we've got billionaires racing to space, wtf. Be safe and well Maria

  2. That's exactly it. The Billionaires know we're fucked and are trying to save their own asses.

  3. The smoke is making my GWS hit me hard. In a world of pain.

    1. So sorry, yes I could imagine it would fuck with you big time, anything that throws your system off is not good, I've got ra and lupus so I get it. I was doing skittle edibles last night but I over did it feel stoned as shit today. Hang in there Otto, dig into that viking spirit! Btw, are those 2 wolves your artwork love the fire and ice concept, feel better Maria

  4. My brother who lives in Oakland made a cheap one during the last Mordor season. I can ask him what he did

    1. Yeah I did too last year.. filters taped to box fans


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