Truth Bomb by OVD : Otto update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm having an awful J4. My room mate was banging around all night so I got very little sleep. Then I got a call from a friend that my friend Sam is unconscious again and has a serious rattle to his breathing. It doesn't look good. Then to top it off I fell in the shower...messing up both my legs. The pain is just off the charts. I can barely type this. 

  There are a few things I need and can pay for but need someone to run for me or take me to Target or similar to get. here's a list...if your local and can help please let me know.

1) I need a rubber bathmat so I don't slip again.

2) I need new slippers, socks and sweat pants. Viking sized.

3) I need help doing my laundry(it's been months so it's a huge load for me...all my clothing, sheets and towels). 

4) Edibles...I'm down to pain pills and they just suck and are running out too. Club prices are too expensive as I need 150 mg at night to sleep and that would be $30+ a day. If you know someone that makes cookies or the like and can deliver with a reasonable price I'd love to hear from them and set it up.

5) Visitors...seeing my friends helps me a lot with depression and isolation. I have little to no schedule so I'm free most of the time. Day or night.  


I'm good with food for now as the East Oakland collectives delivery plus what I bought with the GoFundMe donations

Some friends came over a few weekends ago and cleaned and painted my walls to my room looks and smells much better. I've even hung most of the art back up. 

I'm starting the process for a New VA Claim so hopefully in a few months I won't need help financially anymore and will even be able to help others as my needs are minimal. 

  I hope you all are having a great J4 weekend. Peace.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

                                                                           Sam, Otto and Marlowe


  1. So very sorry Otto, it's always so hard to lose another friend. Wish I lived in California I'd run you to Target, I hope someone does and you get what you need. On this Independence Day, thank you for your service Otto...Maria

    1. Thanks...yeah I'm a wreck right now...between losing my best friend and the shower fall. Plus everyone is gone for the weekend.

    2. Damn I sure hope someone stops by, hopefully tomorrow. Do you have a shower chair, it's been a life saver for me, I really fought using it because it was once again a loss of independence, I know you get what I mean but now I'm used to it. It's a fn bitch when it hurts to stand in the shower. Again I'm so sorry about Sam. You take care, I hope tomorrow is better. It's not much but know you're thought of here in the big old city of Binghamton NY. Maria

    3. Yeah showers are painful...because of the standing and movement. I usually take baths unless I need to wash my hair too. A shower chair might be helpful but I have limited space. A rubber bath mat would at least save me from slipping like I did today. Now both my legs are screwed and the pain is off the charts. I do have a friend visiting tomorrow. Marlowe...the gal in the picture. She was also close with Sam.

  2. Glad to hear she's coming by today, try the bathmat for now but my bathtubs relatively small & the chair works in it, I don't know about there but here the Veteran's Clinics will supply them free of charge. Have a good day..Maria

    1. whole bathroom is small and my room mate needs to take showers too.

    2. putting in a hand rail maybe a more feasible idea but I don't have the money for that...let alone installment...which I used to be able to do myself. But can't anymore.

  3. I got a bunch of Cannabis cookies last night from my friend Tom (Made by his sister) and this looks to be a steady supply...I would still like some others as I want to stop using the pain pills completely and supply is my concern. These are steady by maybe not frequent enough and then there's the "Shit happens" rule so I'm looking for 1 or 2 more people in the bay Area that can help with edibles too...
    If you can let me know. I'm a Marine SGT so I like to be prepared but also as a Marine I can do with what I's just more difficult and when "shit happens" it'll be hard times.


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