Truth Bomb by OVD : A really good Question

 So my cookie kicked in while I was reading more about Delta and it's spread and we now know Vaccinated people can not only carry it but shed it as well. Now most of my readers are really smart so my question is :

What are the chances of a vaccinated person shedding it to another vaccinated person? Because Vaccinated people tend to hang out together feeling safe...add that we are the types that still wear masks in public because the obvious...we are aware of what a Pandemic is and that we are still in one. I for one will be wearing masks in public until Covid has been annihilated like Polio. But if I hang around with a few friends for a few hours drinking beers and one of them is shedding...are we all going to be carriers? Or Worse? 

I guess that was more than one question. I can't find the answer anywhere that's why I'm asking. Please quote a source so I can confirm. I can google it from there if I need to. As you all know I'm a fact based kind of person. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 

Cow with Gun, New Zealand 2011, Now that's Fucking Team Work


  1. Well I found my answer. Yes you can spread it even if you and they are vaccinated hence the new mask mandates. I'm going to go basic lock down. I am anyway. The math is about a 77% chance...pretty good odds for the virus. And if it passes from vaccinated to vaccinated...we need a new vaccine. It will evolve and may have already.
    Side note for humor
    "The final variant of this will of course be Covid-Z"


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