Truth Bomb by OVD : Video games and victory

   So today I broke into the Top 500 players out of more than 22 Million in COD:WWII . It was a long fight to get there but I made it. Good timing too as the game is not being run right. The match ups are unequal in both numbers and skill. I can only carry noobs so far by my self. Then the timed quests for certain battles match ups are screwed too. If I have 10 minutes to get 6 headshots in Team Death Match I don't want to play kill conformed or Domination. But I get them and have to leave the battle. Giving me a loss and taking a minute off my clock for the contract. That's Bullshit. Then the worst thing is the losers running cheat codes. Seeing through walls. Auto hit (even pointing in the wrong direction). Endless Ammo. Increased health and more. They are there to rack up points by sitting in the corner bombing the map constantly. It ruins the game. There is a fix but the company won't buy it. So I'm sure we'll all be moving to Battle Front 2042 when it comes out ,as it is protected from cheats and will auto ban them. 

So it's just a bit of a proud moment as I can't do much these days.



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