Truth Bomb by OVD : Why this blog and Otto update

 Hey everyone,

   So I want you all to understand something about this "Blog page" it's not just merely a blog. It's my Social Media connection to the world since I'm now banned from both Fascistbook and Twitler for being against Nazis and treasonous American Nazis. So I post personal updates like this, so you all can know what's going on with me. Please feel free to comment. I usually respond. Even off topic. Like I said above...this is my social please interact. Also you can share the various "truth Bomb" articles I write on those platform(circumventing their ban of me...taking the fight to them for supporting Nazis and evil). And of course sharing the knowledge and my "special" perspective I share here. As those of you that know me, know...I'm an open book and have an open door policy. And I don't mince words. My only political loyalty is to the people. No parties. I make my judgments based on facts and personal experience. 

   So a quick update on me. I fell in the shower yesterday and can hardly get around even my house right now. One of my Best friends of over 30 years died yesterday as well. Sam Begler, a true friend, kindred spirit, compassionate and just plain fun to be around. I already miss him.

  Some good news too friend Tom brought over enough pot cookies to keep me going for a few weeks in pain management. I want to have enough I never have to take those pain pills again. I really hate them and they mess body up even more. Tom's sister makes these cookies and Toms says she can send more periodically and for free. I'd still like to find another supplier as a gap filler/back up as "shit happens" and that would mean using pills to fill the gaps. But this is a steady supply and a huge load of my mind. Pain management is a must and takes up most of my time. Now I don't have to worry about it as much and can concentrate on writing and getting my last VA claim in and approved so I can be financially stable at least. And get more actual support from the VA.

  Also my friend Marlow is coming over for a visit. She's also a close friend of Sam's and a dear friend of mine. Plus my fridge is full of I'm secure for now. 

"It's not an Adventure until something goes wrong"

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. So glad to hear you got some cookies, yay! I'm going to work on getting that tshirt made as soon as I get through my grandsons graduation party and other costly festivities this weekend . Got to take my Panhead for a ride yesterday, (I gifted it to a friend of mine 3yrs ago, too painful to ride anymore), but he brought it over and talked me into it, can't move today. Enjoy your cookies and your friend coming over, hope you get to share great memories of Sam . Take care Otto...Maria

    1. Thanks and enjoy your ride. I miss motorcycles too.


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