Truth Bomb by OVD : Why would anyone follow Trump ?

Hey Everyone,

  So I want to discuss why anyone in their right mind would follow this pathetic loser and Nazi. The answer is one in their right mind would. His followers don't care that he constantly lies. Or that he is a total failure at all his business ventures. Or that he's openly racist and sexist as well as homophobic and a religious bigot. They don't care that his failures as POTUS cost us 600,000+ American lives. They are not in their right minds. They follow him solely because he IS an open Racist & Bigot. 

  You can try and use facts and logic like...he's been bankrupt 6 times and about to hit 7...or that he's broken the law many times...or he has the Intellect of a rock. It doesn't even bother them one bit he rambles on about complete nonsense. They don't care that he referred to US Marines as Losers and suckers. It won't bother them or even sink in a bit. These people are Anti-American and want a dictatorship based on "Christianity" and racism. They call themselves "White supremacist's" which is just a nicer way of saying Nazis.  

  Calling these Nazis out is why I've been banned from both Fascistbook and Twitler as both these corporations are run by Nazis too. They defend Nazis and ban folks like me daily. I've reported posts by these Nazis calling for Killing Black Americans, killing gay Americans, killing Jewish or Muslim Americans and it never "goes against their standards". Yet posting "Nazis are bad" got me banned from Fascistbook as an example. 

  These Nazi types are less than half of the voters but they always vote. So roughly 20% of Americans are of this evil ilk but they win elections because of three factors...1) They always vote, the don't skip elections 2) Gerrymandered racist districts 3) Democrats failing to do anything of note and their voters will stay home especially during midterms. 

  Good news is the Republican party is actively trying to kill off it's own base to by making masks and vaccinations a political thing and rallying against them both. This summer Hundreds of thousands of them will die from the Delta variant and millions will get screwed up from catching it...and that maybe enough to wake them up. may not either as these people have embraced evil with both hands. But their numbers will be way less and anyone thinking of becoming a "conservative" would think twice once they realize that the Republican party is actively trying to get them killed. 

  Don't kid yourselves this is a fight for the our republic and Democracy. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist ar Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Face it these f'n racists have just been waiting for someone like that fat pos to come on board so they could crawl out from under their rocks. He should have had the RICO ACT thrown at him in the 80's and this wouldn't have happened but him and Guiliani have been in cahoots since then 😡

    1. Agree. Also his treason in Helsinki should have had him arrested by the FBI upon landing in the USA


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