Truthy Bomb by OVD : VA appointment and update

 Hey everyone,

  So late last night I got a call from the Oakland VA for an Ultrasound appointment. So I was able to find a ride in short notice and went to the appointment this morning. It's for cancer screening but I know my Doctor just put it in so I'd still be in the system current. The VA was a ghost town. I saw 5 people the whole time I was there. I got a strange Email about Oakland VA falling under SF instead of Northern CA VA now which means they maybe closing it soon. making it really hard for the thousands of Veterans here in Oakland. That shows Biden doesn't give a fuck about us anymore than Trump did...great. 

   Anyways I made it. I'm in massive pain but I'm eating a cookie right now...then it's back to bed.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. It amazes me that veteran care is like that in California. here we've got two great Veteran's clinics plus mobile ones for rural areas, that is just bullshit for you to have to worry about getting to see a doctor 😡 not that your body could take it, but if they do move the clinic do they then provide transportation? Enjoy your cookies...Maria

    1. They have busses to some other facilities but if you use them you are literally trapped there for most of the day. Something I can't do.

    2. Yeah that's what I figured and it definitely sucks to be done with an appt and have to wait to get home

  2. Btw, I only made it 20 miles on my Pan sunday, had to have a friend ride it home and have been in dire pain since, so even though I already knew it, that's that for me riding ever again 😥 have a good night..Maria

    1. I try to do things all the time and pay for them. Mostly cleaning these days as my roomie is horrible at it...if he does any.

    2. Right! Same here. told these two cats it's time for them to start doing shit around here 😂

  3. The way veterans are treated is outrageous and despicable. ESPECIALLY combat veterans with physical and emotional damage. I am very fortunate that I don't have to depend on the VA for my own healthcare.

    1. We're fortunate here now to have the service for veterans that we do but it was a long time coming but definitely is not like this every where and that fn sucks. The way our veterans are treated or shall I say not treated is an embarrassment in this country 😥

  4. The saddest part is...even though the VA has many issues it's still better Healthcare than most people pay tens of thousands of dollars a year for.


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