COD WWII : I made the top 420's and...

 Hey everyone, 

  So I have someone coming over to fix the window and someone to look at the place...who sounds very interested and knows the situation. So my stress levels are flattening. If it all works out I will sleep great tonight.

  So I've made my way in to the Top 420's in Call of Duty WWII today...I will smoke a joint for each one...I'm at 429 now out of 22+ Million players. So when I got that I went the the Headquarters and bragged a bit and sung some cadences from my days back in the Corps...a few Marine were on and said...oh shit y'all that's and actual was awesome. Then we all sung the smoke 2 joints song.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 



  1. ...and Gilbert wants the room even though Tony wouldn't let us open the door to see it. He locked it. And I described the room to Gilbert and he's said he's down to move in the 1st...of course that still needs to happen but it's looking good.

  2. Also Gilbert has a Cat...I have a kitty moving in !!!


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