Otto update : Drama central

 Hey everyone,

  I woke up to a text from Tony saying his housing fell through(if he even looked which I doubt, he's spent the last 3 months tweaking all night in his room and sleeping all day) and that I was going to make him homeless(which he was before he lived here) and that he wanted another month. I reply NO. He's known for months this was coming and I gave him an additional 30 day in writing stating that if he needed to stay another month he should talk to me and act like an adult. He didn't...he locked himself in his room and then tried to sabotage me finding a new room mate. I added I'm not responsible for his lack of being able to adult. And to be clear, his kids mother has custody so the child will be fine. An hour after I sent my reply I found the bathroom floor covered in piss. This is going to be a long 4 days...If you're in my area...please visit. Other people being around may get him to do less damage or passive aggressive bullshit.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Us Vikings are nice people and want to help others...but we are not "push overs" and it's not advised to make us your enemy.

  2. Dear Tony,

    Quit feeling sorry for yourself. There are people everywhere like in the path of hurricane Ida or Afghanistan or even hanging out under a freeway near you, for example who are far worse off.
    The sooner you man up or some approximation of that the better things will get.
    If or when you find yourself sleeping outdoors, maybe have a good long think about your life choices?

    1. He won't be out doors...he's got money. He can afford hotel rooms. That's what he did before I took him in.

  3. Maybe not my best work, but I’ve been reading the news

  4. He now says he found another place...and he has started the shit talking phase...but he's out. 2 days and a wake up.


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