Otto Update : He's out. The Ottostead opens a new chapter

 Hey Everyone,

  So Tony finally got all his stuff out. My neighbors, Jo, James and his wife and I all scrubbed the walls down and the floor. It was disgusting. We dealt with everything from oil, to paint to feces. I will have to repaint soon but at least it's not disgusting anymore. Tony was tweaked out of his mind and went to the bathroom to do drugs while he was moving the last of his stuff out. It was sad. But no longer my problem. Gilbert and the Cat are on the way over and a new chapter on the Ottostead begins. there is also more damage I have to deal with like molding that was damaged and replacing the closet door. But as things are cleaned and repaired at least now I know they will stay that way. I'm exhausted...the pain is so bad I'm seeing stars and rocking in my chair...the cookies weren't enough so I took a pain pill too but it might not be enough either. My donation didn't hit so I haven't eaten in about 5 days either but tomorrow my check arrives and the donation so I'll eat. I'll probably get a pizza so i don't have to even move. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 
Semper Fidelis 


  1. I can feel the stress starting to leave my body...thank the Gods.

    1. Thank the Gods for sure ... glad to hear this nightmare is ending ... I don't know if you like cats, Otto ... but they can tell when people are hurting and can literally speak to your with their eyes. I hope the cat is a good companion to you.

    2. I love cats...and get along with them. Kitty healing is real too.

  2. Tomorrow: check, food, cat, non tweaking housemate

  3. Yay!!! So happy for you 😁😁😁 Maria

  4. Finding more broken or missing stuff...apparently he stole the 10 bars of soap I had in the bathroom. He never bought soap or any cleaner the whole time he was here.

  5. Ok but the big question is...what is kitty's name ..Maria

  6. Replies
    1. She's tiny...and still majorly freaked. I've given her some love but she's still in hide mode.

    2. Couple of days and she'll be yours 😻😻😻 Maria

    3. I have no intention of making her "mine" but yeah...we'll be friends by next week. She went through a lot of trauma at her last place plus moving always freaks cats out. She's still hiding constantly in Gilberts room. Once she's used to that we'll let her roam the house. His days off are Mon and Tuesday so I suspect during then.

  7. Hey let me know if you got the spice rack and no I'm not ordering it from Amazon, I've got a kitchen accessory place I ordered a few from and you get free spices of your choice for 5 years..Maria

    1. It'll probably be a while before I do as it's not an item I need.

  8. Unless one shows up 😜 now I gotta go mess with Bubba, doing time in the twitmo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Maria


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