Otto update : New room mate found with cat too

 Hey Everyone,

  So some great news. I've found a new room mate that plans to move in the first. His name is Gilbert and he has a cat too. He decided to take the place even though Tony wouldn't let him see the room by locking himself inside( at that price and after seeing the rest of the place an neighborhood which is he understood exactly what I'm dealing with...called Tony a asshole man child...Gilbert is only 24 and see's it clear as day). My friend Che that was going to fix the window yesterday said he talked to Tony on the phone and says he plans to be out in time and will fix the window and clean the place...and if he doesn't Che will do it on the first. So the stress levels have gone way down. I'm pretty sure Che will end up doing it but who knows...maybe we will get pleasantly surprised  I maybe out of food, money and smokes but at least my life will be better next month and I'll have a kitty to hang with. So my GoFundMe is just for food now...I won't need help with the rent...Thank the Gods. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large 

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I'm beyond happy for you Otto, so glad good things are coming your way 😁😻 Maria

    1. Thanks...but it still has to happen...6 days. I will 100% better when tweeker boy is out of my home and my life and 100% better when I get to pet a kitty.

    2. I know I so hope it goes well, and I also know you can't wait for that cat 😁 Maria


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