Otto Update : Out of food and smokes and other stuff

 Hey Everyone, 

  So it's close to the end of the month. I haven't eaten in 2 days as I'm out of food basically. I have one meal I'm saving  to get me through until Wednesday. I'm also out of smokes...making it even more miserable. On top of that my left knee and leg went out yesterday and the pain is off the charts.

  The good news is I found a new room mate. The bad news is the old room mate hasn't moved or fixed a thing so the stress is back. I also found out what he used 4 rolls of paper towels on...not clean his room....his kids battery powered car. He's been tweeking on it for the last 6 months...all night...every used to work...I don't think it does anymore. Anyways next week getting him out and fixing the room fast is going to be a challenge. He is also saying the place he had planned to move to fell through...not my problem. He's know this was coming for months and made no attempt to be civilized during any of it. And I'm betting he didn't even look for a new place. That is how lazy he is. He expects the world to be served to him on a platter...and that is not happening.'s causing more stress on top of the hunger and pain. 

  I could really use a little help to get some food and smokes...end of the month always sucks for me. Here's my GoFundMe again for any that can help. Thanks.

-Otto Von Danger '

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I woke up to a text from Tony saying his housing fell through(if he even looked which i doubt) and that I was going to make him homeless(which he was before he lived here) and that he wanted another month. I reply NO. He's known for months this was coming and I gave him an additional 30 day in writing stating that if he needed to stay another month he should talk to me and act like an adult. He didn't...he locked himself in his room and then tried to sabotage me finding a new room ate. An hour after I sent my reply I found the bathroom floor covered in piss. This is going to be a long 4 days...If you're in my area...please visit. Other people being around may get him to do less damage or passive aggressive bullshit.


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