Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So here's my present situation. My current room mate is AWOL. I have no clue where he is or when he'll return. I have to pay rent for this month by the 5th. I also plan on giving him 30 days(I already posted this on his door) as he's destroying my house and stuff and is generally dirty and lacks any responsibility. But I'm giving him 30 days and if he can cleans up after himself for a month and fix all the things he's broken and can't find another place I maybe willing to do 2 months(I don't throw people on the street during a Pandemic). Of course he may just bail or try not to pay rent this month. Which would pretty much ensure me going homeless unless I could raise the $975 to pay his rent and bills in time and pay someone to do the repairs in his room and find another room mate by the next month. So as you can imagine I'm stressed out. My future very uncertain. Another option is to find another living space in Oakland that is in my price range. But that seems even less likely. 

Here's my GoFundMe Link :

  On the health front I'm still battling this new level of pain that's so bad I can't even cook for myself much. I do have cookies and some back up meds thank the Gods and my friends. My sleep cycle is messed up and I'm always tired. The smoke from the fires makes everything worse for me too. 

  Mentally I'm stressed, depressed and very alone. I rarely see other human beings and when I do it's for short periods of time. I feel unwanted and that if I was gone no one would even notice.

  Next Sunday is Sam's Memorial(Sunday Aug 8th 2-6 pm) at the Great American Music Hall SF. I think I have a ride and I've got 10 years of Sam's roaches I've carefully broken down and added new hash and crumble too. I will be rolling one of my Infamous Bag of joints but these will be Super Sized Sammy Joints to share at the memorial.

  Otherwise nothing is going on in my life. I'm re-watching shows out of sheer boredom. Right now I'm re-watching "Helix". 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Wow, I seriously can't imagine paying the rent that you do, but then again you don't have to deal with shitloads of snow either. Does the VA have any apartment listings where they could help you find something cheaper? Ours does but I know it's not the same every where, glad to hear you've got a ride to Sam's memorial so you can go celebrate him. We've been having overdose issues here so in the next 2 weeks I'll be attending funerals for two guys in their early 40s, I just don't get it. Hang in there Otto, things can only go up for you, you seem like a great person so I'm hoping the tide turns for you..Maria btw, I still wish you'd install a vpn and get back on the tweeter. I've been using a free one for little over 3 yrs with no issues, please think about it. I'm going to go on GoFundMe and tweet your page, I'll drop you a few bucks in there tomorrow, forget about that long walk

    1. The only VA housing in the whole Bay area is a shelter that's like a prison and the kick you out every morning at 6 am and you haver to be in by 6 pm. The waiting list was three years. So no there is no VA program I can use.

  2. Sounds difficult and I hope the roommate gets it together

    1. I'm not holding my breath. The window in his room he broke a year ago...that I told him where to get the glass and puddy still broken. The neighbor even swept up the glass outside...he didn't.

  3. Well he snuck back the 30 day notice of his door and has locked himself in his room and will not respond. But at least I know he knows the deal. we'll see how he reacts after a few hours. Hopefully he'll pay this month and start moving out. But I'm ready as I can be for worst case scenario's.

  4. Well hopefully he pays his rent so you don't have to stress it this month and can find a new roommate. Too bad he just wouldn't get his shit together & clean his act up so he could stay cuz I think you like having the kid around

    1. Yeah...but I've learned not to get attached. And I don't see a 50 year old guy learning to be responsible and clean up after himself , overnight.

  5. Btw what is that you're holding, I can't tell

  6. Still not a word...he may have even left quietly(not his stuff, just him...avoiding me)

  7. I did read it but for some reason (edibles), it didn't click. That sucks that he vanished again, hoping he went to get rent $ for you. So glad you'll be going to your friend Sam's Memorial and will be able to honor him. I most likely won't be on for a few days, I've got 2 funerals for young people and a celebration of life for a lifelong friend. Take care, wear a 😷 and enjoy being out for a bit ...Maria


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