Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So out of the 7 from Craigslist only one has panned out. She's coming to check the place out today. I have one more that's only looking for a few months. I cleaned the apartment up good...causing a lot of pain. The old roomie had spread some kind of black shit all over the kitchen and bathroom floor. I had to get on the ground and scrub it off. It was a nightmare of pain and I had to do 3 cookies and a pain pill last night and still spent most of the night screaming in pain. I looked in his room this morning and it's a disaster area. Also I still need to fix the window in his room he broke over a year ago. I'll need help of course. Ace sells cut glass right down the street. 

  Of course all this has me stressed out and in horrible amounts of pain. And if I can't find a roomie I'll have like 5 days to get it through GoFundMe...which without access to Social Media is unlikely so It would lead to homelessness and the long walk for me. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Am going to post to Twitter, but just jump back on Twitter for now, at least it'll be beneficial to you and the most they can do is boot you off again but IF they even do that I bet it takes a long while Maria

    1. No...believe it or not they KNOW who I am. I'm infamous in the Bay Area. So it would get shut down within a week...tops.

    2. Heck...Fascistbook had an office in the Burning Man offices...for a few years I know of. All those dot comers go to Burning Man so they ALL know me. But they are a bunch of rich, mostly male, white supremacist's.

  2. Well I don't think that went well...she pretty much freaked at seeing my room mates disaster of a room. Now I'm getting worried.

    1. I'm not in a good state right now. WTF...the reason he's out is he's a disaster and now his disaster is making it hard for me to show the place.


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