OVD Update : Sam's memorial

 Hey everyone,

  So yesterday I went to SF for the first time in a long time. I saw a lot of old friends and had a good time overall. The cost pain wise was high but I did it. It took me 4 cookies and 2 pain pills and I was 100% spent by the end. The stories were great and of course I had a ton of them. Sam and I had been through many adventures together. One thing was for sure...everyone there loved Sam. 

  I made it home about 8pm...way longer than I thought I'd make it. I tried to watch a movie(Suicide squad) but the pain was too much so I went to bed and dreamed about Sam and Underfoot(my old cat that knew Sam also) all night. 

  Today I can hardly move. Everything hurts...I think it was worth it. But today I feel all alone again. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Sounds like you friend had a good send off, something we can all hope for when the time comes.

    1. Yup. Especially for a bunch of older Dead Heads and Burners(very pro science, all vaccinated and still wore masks inside) who are most likely all high risk. Still showed up to show their love and it was all positive. Nothing but smiles.

  2. Hey Otto! So glad you got to go to SF and share stories of Sam. I’m glad you had dreams of Sam and beautiful Underfoot. They are close to you. You are not alone.

    1. Yeah I can still feel them through the veil.

    2. and I know Underfoot will show him the way to Freya so his soul will be safe.

  3. Oh the Bag of Sam mega joints was a big hit...I ran out fast.


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