Truth Bomb by OVD : Afghanistan and Translators

 Hey Everyone,

  So in Afghanistan right now the US and NATO are pulling out and the Taliban has seized half the country during that withdrawal. This situation is dire for the Afghani's that worked for the US Military. Especially  Translators. The Taliban murders them and their families, for working for us. Normally when we leave a conflict we take our allies like translators with us. This is not happening in Afghanistan and what little is being done is not fast enough. Not only will these folks and their families be murdered but it will signal any future helpers or translators not to help America, as they already know the US will abandon them and their families to horrible deaths. 

  Personally I believe, like most special forces folks in 2002 that we should have never invaded Afghanistan is the first place. We should have used bombers and drones and special forces to attack terrorist camps and bases in Afghanistan from Pakistan and our other allies in the region. Trying to "hold" Afghanistan is a pointless venture that never works out. The place is a Empire crusher...ask England, Alexander the Great and the Former USSR. But we did and as predicted it was pointless and we lost. So the least we can do is evacuate(with speed) our allies there including the translators. These folks have already proven their honor and loyalty. If we abandon them we ensure no translators for any venture the US makes...including peaceful. Trump and gang already abandoned the Kurds in Syria making this a trend and tarnishing our reputation badly. This would destroy our reputation permanently making both war and State Dept. negotiation difficult to impossible. Plus it's just the right thing to do. 

  Please call your representatives and get them on this ASAP.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Wow Otto I'm shocked by this because I was under the impression that they were bringing those that assisted our troops here, wtf that's not right on any level. Those poor people. I will most definitely get in touch with my state representatives, they're used to hearing from me anyway. Hope you're doing ok , be safe and well Maria

    1. Still alive...not sure if I'm going to be homeless or not. I should know in the next few days. If I am I'll take the long walk as there is no point in staying alive in this much pain on the streets.

  2. Oh shit Otto I'm so sorry, don't say that about the long walk 😥 Do you have any family around you, whether it be blood or friend made family? Hopefully the roommate comes back and pays his share, that's so not right of him

    1. No I don't. We'll see what he does but I banking on it being bad at this point. There is no way I'd survive long on the streets. Add the constant devastating pain I'm in and I'm not going to bother trying. So if that happens the long walk is the logical path.

  3. That really sucks that California doesn't have a better option for veterans l guess I kind of thought they'd be more progressive. Like I just said in my last post hope he pays this month now that he's there, I noticed I didn't put my name on some posts so not sure if you know it's me, been super spacy lately. I really hope it all works out because I hate to hear you so depressed try to hang in and on Maria

    1. The VA is Federal not state and trump Cut all VA funding across the country and killed out entire dental program. Not to mention Federal aid to California was non existent under trumpty dumpty.


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